For Honor: Mirage

Warriors everywhere sealed new alliances through the Covenants, but another great enemy was about to challenge their renewed vigor. This new threat was not just another clan or army trying to reap more territories. After centuries of being spoiled and exhausted by humanity's thirst for power, Mother Nature herself was about to show the true extent of her burning wrath. An intense drought befell Heathmoor, endangering crops and fortifications everywhere. While the Horkos saw the calamity as another opportunity to prove their might, the Chimera struggled to maintain solidarity among their ranks, with less resources to share between themselves.

A new battle for water began. Warriors kept fighting, but also struggled to survive the scorching heat. As some battled in a secluded temple, strange visions followed their every step...

Starting June 10th, play For Honor's Y5S2: Mirage and get access to new armor, weapons, events, battle pass and more!



New Seasonal Customization

Battling under a scorching sun was no easy feat. But most warriors were still determined to prove their might despite the odds and use gear that could withstand nature's calamity. The Horkos knew that their strict Order could possibly gain the upper hand in these trying times, and used most of their resources to forge menacing gear and wear them as psychological warfare.

Battle Pass

As all warriors struggled with the drought, the Samurai were reminded of the Heavenly Ones, the embodiment of light and mirages in their pantheon of deities. According to many legends, they would appear during heatwaves to warn people of how impermanent things were and would always be, no matter how weak or strong one was. For Honor's Y5S2: Mirage Battle Pass will be available from June 10th to September 9th.

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