For Honor: Mayhem

With the help of Ilma, a legendary Blacksmith, many warriors across Heathmoor were able to regain fortresses and discover some of the Draconite's true powers. Yet all these rebellions needed someone to unite them in this pivotal moment. Someone who knew the enemy better than anyone else, because he was once part of them. Someone who had learned from his past mistakes and was now ready to make things right.

After a failed attempt at bringing peace in Heathmoor, the one who was once called Holden Cross was now simply known as 'Gryphon'. He had forgone his former name and faction years ago. He became a mercenary to fight for those who could not bear the toll of war anymore, no matter which faction they belonged to. Under his guidance, rebels from all factions formed the Chimera Alliance, a full-blown army with the means to defy the Order of Horkos and stop their Corruption.



New Seasonal Customization

With more tools and resources at their disposal, the blacksmiths of Heathmoor have forged outstanding gear for the many heroes who will fight the great Battle of the Eclipse. More specifically, the Chimera Alliance has grown from a group of mercenaries wearing improvised armors to a great army that has now the means to stand on equal ground with the Order of Horkos.

Optimized For Next-Gen

Y4S4 will have For Honor's experience optimized on next-gen consoles with 60 FPS available at season launch.

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Battle Pass

In the arena, enemies of the Khatuns are forced to battle one another to survive. But in the circular walls of this new battleground, warriors have also found that if they fight hard enough, if enough champion blood is spilled by their blade, then something else finds them: the crowd’s admiration. As fame comes to them, prisoners ascend. They become something more. So long as they win.
Battle it out in the Y9S1 Battle Pass. You will have access to 100 tiers of rewards for all 36 heroes.

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New Character Khatun

Khatuns are brutal, nimble assassins wielding dual sabers. They lead an invading Mongolian horde into Heathmoor, driven by Guljin’s vision of a peaceful Heathmoor freed from the petty wars that have plagued its inhabitants for so long – a peaceful Heathmoor united under Guljin’s empire at any cost.