October 22, 2018

1 Min Read

Live Update 2.01.1


  • [Adjustment] The Tiandi’s “Sacrifice” feat Stamina regeneration has been temporarily removed to prevent a potential exploit that was giving unlimited Stamina to the Tiandi’s allies, the Health regeneration remains untouched. The Feat will be restored to its normal state in the next Title Update.


  • [Bug Fix] Game Sharing has been restored on Xbox One. You will now be able to access the Year 1 Hero Bundle (Season Pass Year 1) and Marching Fire content with a secondary account.


  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that lowered the threshold at which the Level 3 Bots would spawn. Consequently, most matches included Level 3 Bots, even for casual players. Now, Bot spawning should be in line with the actual skill level of the players.

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