August 30, 2018

5 Min Read

Patch 1.27.0

[Adjustment] We noticed that the name of a Gladiator bot was “Legendary!!!”. We could not allow this disgrace, the name of the Gladiator bot has been changed to “EllipsisPeriod” and “Legendary!!!” is now the name of a Raider bot.




  • [Bug Fix] Fixed a bug on all heroes who do not have Reflex Guard, so that they can no longer speed up a Stance change to 0ms by changing Stance twice.

***Developer Comment:*A bug was introduced during Season 6, which allowed non-Reflex Guard heroes to change Stance twice, and the second would instantly update their stance – which functionally gave those 100ms more time to react and block. This also caused rollback issues for the opponent when a block would occur at the last instant. We expect all heroes to spend 100ms to update their Stance, and this should be the case now.

  • [Adjustment] Every Hero is now able to dodge 100ms after initiating a Stance change. We reduced delay to dodge during Stance change by 200ms for: Warden, Centurion, Lawbringer, Kensei, Aramusha, Nobushi, Shugoki, Raider, Highlander, Valkyrie, and Warlord. (Conqueror and the Assassins already could dodge 100ms after a Stance change.)

***Developer Comment:*This fix was actually introduced in 1.26, but we’re noting it now to ensure players are aware of this change.

  • [Bug Fix] Can no longer cancel your own Guard Break attempt with Revenge Activation.


  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Warden's "Shoulder Bash" to consume more stamina on miss than was intended with the rework. Now cancelling the "Shoulder Bash" costs 15 Stamina (from 27).
  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the visual Unblockable shoulder fire effect to not be applied on the Warden's on the second "Shoulders Bash" if the first one is feinted.
  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Warden's “Crushing Counterstrike” to incorrectly cause a Light hit reaction. Now it causes a Medium hit reaction – the intention being that this would allow the Warden to also land the 2nd Light Attack, as initially intended with the rework.


  • [Bug Fix] Fixed a regression issue that caused Conqueror’s entry to Full Block Stance to unexpectedly take 600ms. It used to be 300ms, and now we decided to set it to 400ms.


  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Valkyrie's Sprint Attack to track opponents that successfully dodged the attack.
  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an animation issue that caused the Valkyrie to sometimes use the wrong animation while turning around.


  • [Bug Fix] Fixed and issue that caused the Orochi's "Hurricane Blast" to have no stamina cost when cancelled in a Dodge. Cancelling "Hurricane Blast" with a Dodge now costs 24 Stamina.


  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the blood splatter effect to be missing during the Nobushi's “Give us a Smile” execution.


  • [Bug Fix] If Highlander suffers a Guard Break during an Offensive Form Emote, Highlander can no longer Counter Guard Break.
  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Highlander's "Heaves-Ho" execution to have no controller rumble.


  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Shaman's "Predator's Mercy" to miss after a Right Throw on an opponent that is Out Of Stamina.


  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Aramusha’s animation to slightly stutter before his Top Heavy attack is parried.


  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that sometimes automatically “Refused” revive if the player is pressing Cancel just before dying.


  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that cause the framerate to decrease while viewing the customization screens.
  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Dominion's Capture Zone progression bar to not be displayed.
  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Ranking screen, in Player Profile, to show that 20 placement matches are needed instead of the 15 matches actually required.


  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Peacekeeper's dagger to be off set during the “Done with This” emote.
  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the sword from the “Sword in the Stone” emote to be displayed horizontally for external viewers that see the emote mid animation.


  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused a crash to occur when equipping an execution effect to the Triangle or Y button.
  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused a Memory allocation error pop up to be displayed when closing the game.

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