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June 15, 2022

2 Min Read

Learn more about the creators behind the Assassin’s Creed Stories

Following the announcement of Assassin’s Creed Publishing and Transmedia content line-up in 2021, we are glad to present the second edition of Assassin’s Creed Stories. Dive into this behind-the-scenes video and learn more about the writing and editing process!

Sebasteann Barradas, community developer for Assassin's Creed gives us another chance to discover the creative process behind several transmedia projects based on the franchise!

First, we meet with narrative director Alex Harakis and comics scriptwriter Alex Freed to talk about the Dawn of Ragnarök expansion for Assassin's Creed Valhalla and, Forgotten Myths, the tie-in mini-series of comics published by Dark Horse.

Then we join Clément Lesaffre from studio Paradiso for an interview about the documentary podcast Echoes of History - Ragnarök, available on all platforms and on which he worked as a co-writer and producer.

We also join a discussion with Etienne Bouvier, Senior Transmedia Content manager, regarding the upcoming Assassin's Creed Webtoon developed in South-Korea, which offer an epic sequel to fan-beloved Assassin's Creed Black Flag, starring our cocky Edward Kenway.

Last reading for today, the novel writer Kate Heartfield answers our questions about The Magus Conspiracy, the new novel trilogy expanding the Assassin's Creed universe across the second half of the 19th century, up until World War 1.

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