March 10, 2021With the debut of the North American League in 2020, we are excited for a brand new 2021 Season! After the Canadian and US Division merger, we are continuing forward with 9 teams in the North American League who will be playing in an offline environment at the Esports Arena in Las Vegas, NV, the home of the North American League. As a reminder, the entirety of the 2021 Season of the NAL will be played in an offline environment. The health and safety of our teams and staff is of the upmost importance. We have been working diligently alongside FACEIT, our broadcast partner, and our organizations to create strict safety and sanitary measures.
As we planned for 2021, we’ve heard the community and have made changes across the board as we aspire to build the best league possible. Read on to learn more about the upcoming North American League Season, Challenger League, and more!
north american league
particpiating teams
Nine teams will be playing in a best-of-1 round robin format with no draws.
To make room for the Six Invitational in May, Stage 1 of the NAL will have an adjusted schedule. Stage 1 kicks off on March 24th at 4 PM ET/1 PM PT. There will be 9 Playdays over 5 weeks. There will also be one Super Week to finish the Stage. The Super Week takes place during week 5 where there will be 3 back-to-back, action filled days of Rainbow Six Siege Esports to determine the final Stage standings. The Super Week will broadcast matches from Tuesday - Thursday.
Stage 2 and onwards will consist of 9 playdays over a 7-week period. There will be one playday per week, with 4 matches taking place each day. This will give all teams the same amount of time to prepare for their upcoming match. Matches will be aired on Wednesdays starting at 4pm ET / 1pm PT. The 7th and final week will be the Super Week, which will consist of 3 playdays back-to-back from Tuesday to Thursday also starting at 4pm ET / 1pm PT.
stage 1 schedule
All matches will begin at 4 PM ET/1 PM PT.
Playday 1 – Wednesday, March 24th
Playday 2 – Wednesday, March 31st
Playday 3 - Tuesday, April 6th
Playday 4 – Wednesday, April 7th
Playday 5 – Tuesday, April 13th
Playday 6 – Wednesday, April 14th
Playday 7 (Super Week) – Tuesday, April 20th
Playday 8 (Super Week) – Wednesday, April 21st
Playday 9 (Super Week) – Thursday, April 22nd
There will be a $300,000 USD prize pool split over the 3 Stages and the NAL Finals. Each Stage will have a $50,000 USD prize pool while $150,000 USD will be up for grabs at the NAL Finals. Below, you will find the prize breakdown per stage.
1st: $15,000
2nd: $7,000
3rd: $6,000
4th: $6,000
5th: $5,000
6th: $3,000
7th: $2,000
8th: $2,000
9th: $2,000
where to watch
- English: Twitch.tv/Rainbow6
- English: YouTube
- Portuguese: Twitch.tv/R6esportsBR2
challenger league
Following the merge of the US and Canada Challenger Leagues, we will be heading into the 2021 Season with a 16-team online Challenger League. While our goal was to accommodate all teams during the US and Canada Challenger League merger, over the next few seasons we will be looking to reduce the Challenger League back down to approximately 10 teams.
participating teams
- Team dGeneration
- Slaughter House
- The Favelas
- Team Vale
- Hype Unit
- Honor Esports
- Nemesis
- Delete
- Windstorm
- LennyGG
- Livid
- Orgless
- Parabellum Esports
The Open Qualifier will take place on March 20th in a best-of-three single elimination format. 16 teams from the Open Qualifier will proceed to the Closed Qualifier which will be played on March 21st. From there, 2 teams will move on to the Stage 1 Relegation match against the last placed Challenger League teams to fight for a spot in the North American Challenger League. You can sign up for Qualifier HERE.
Teams will play in a best-of-one Round Robin format in two groups over 14 playdays throughout 7 weeks. Starting April 3rd, there will be four matches played every Saturday and Sunday. Relegation will take place at the beginning of each stage where the bottom 2 teams will face off against the Closed Qualifier winners.
prize pool
Each of the 3 Challenger League Stages will have a $40,000 USD prize pool. The prize breakdown is as followed.
1st: $12,000
2nd: $8,000
3rd: $5,000
4th: $3,000
5th - 6th: $2,400
7th - 8th: $2,200
9th- 10th: $1,400
11th – 16th: $0
where to watch
English: Twitch.tv/R6EsportsNA
operator and map updates
Updated Map Pool
- Chalet
- Kafe Dostoyevsky
- Consulate
- Coastline
- Clubhouse
- Villa
- Oregon
Operator Update
Tachanka and Aruni are now in play for the 2021 Season.
Flores will be unavailable for play.
Make sure to gear up for the new season with the Esports Originals collection at the Ubisoft Store!
Make sure to follow @R6esportsNA, @R6EsportsEU, @R6EsportsAPAC and @R6EsportsLATAM on Twitter to get the latest news on the Rainbow Six Circuit! For a behind the scenes look, be sure to follow us on Instagram. You can catch all the action at twitch.tv/rainbow6.
Use the hashtag #R6NAL to follow or take part in the conversation!