19 October 2018

Community Spotlight: MindaugasXLTU

Hey MindaugasXLTU, could you introduce yourself?

Hello, My name is Mindaugas. I am 26 years old and I am from little country in Europe - Lithuania. My current job is far away from gaming or anything related to it even though I have always had fashion for programing. My gaming started when I was around 14 years old and got my first computer. First games which caught my attention was open world because I always liked freedom in games. Years passed and somehow I started to get interest in open world racing games. Why? Because of beautiful scenery and amazing cars. In 2017 I was selected being Ubisoft Star Player. Sadly because of my studies I couldn't go to L.A. but I was invited to Gamescom in Cologne same year. Had most amazing time there!

Do you play on Console or PC?

I play all my games on PC because I am graphics fanatic. Last year I built my own gaming PC with GTX 1080 Ti GPU, 16 GB of ram and i7-8700K CPU because I have always wanted to play games on max settings without any lag.


What was your first experience with The Crew?

Most open world online racing games lack of huge maps. But then one day on YouTube I saw The Crew. It got my attention, I started searching for more videos (that time it was summer after E3 when The Crew was announced first time) about the game. It got me super hyped! Never seen before such huge and rich open world racing game. I started to follow all the news about the game, registered on forums, participated in all betas. When the game released I was playing it almost everyday for a long time. I don't know exactly but I am sure I spent around 2000 hours in the game. I liked the game from every side and as an achievement maniac I completed all the awards in game (oh yes, even the ones which required 1 million smashes and overtakes).

What do you like the most about that community?

I have to say I was never before engaged myself into any game like this one. I like the community because it's passionate about the game and they know what they want, trying to evolve game for a greater future. First year when game was released I was sitting on forums every day, checking if I have any useful information for ones who were having problem with the game. Also I liked discussing about new things being added in the game with other community members, making suggestion and a compromise. And the community managers/developers are really friendly and willing to make our wishes come to the game.


Share a fun fact about yourself?

I like beautiful cars in games (classic, new ones, anything that catches my attention). But you know what - I don't really like to drive a lot in real life and I am not really a car guy (or something yet I don't know about myself :D).

What's your dream car? And why?

My dream car is Audi R8 Spyder V10 Plus. First - I am an Audi fan, second - I just love this car. It looks great from all sides and roofless version feels right for a relaxing cruise in a vacation paradise

Some of our community members may know you for the TC Weekly Challenges, can you tell us a bit more about this initiative?

When Wild Run expansion came to game it added new feature - freedrive challenge. And when it was added I knew I want to make a use of it - create my own challenges and share them with community. To do so I decided to make weekly events with my created challenges. I like a clean racing, so made strict rules. It didn't have too many participants but it was enough for me to run them. I was glad that people were having fun competing with each other (I created website where people were able to post their time into table and collect points to be the best). In The Crew 2 yet we don't have any track creator but I am hoping it will come someday. Still I wanted to continue my challenges faster so I started them already with using in game events.


What’s your most memorable moment while running these weekly challenges?

This is a top question. But most memorable and sweet moment was after first challenge when I saw that my work was appreciated and I had some participants in it :)

The Crew community is quite large and spans across many different social media platforms, where are people most likely going to find you? (Forums, Discord, Reddit, Facebook)

Currently, I am mostly active on my Youtube channel and Twitter. One of my most popular videos is helping players to locate all of the OffRoad Photo-Ops

See you on the roads, petrolheads!

That's all for this episode of the Community Spotlight, a warm thank you to MindaugasXLTU! If you'd like to read our previous episode featuring Tire Slayer, you can find it