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17 May 2021

2 Min Read

Assassin’s Creed® Valhalla – Community Tattoo Contest

We're thrilled to announce this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to have original designs implemented in Assassin's Creed® Valhalla!

The Mission

Design original tattoos for Eivor, and with Odin's blessing, the winning tattoos will be implemented in Assassin's Creed Valhalla for everyone to see and enjoy!

ACV TattooContest Infographic 16X9 (1)

The contest starts at 12 PM EDT on May 17, 2021 and will continue until 12 PM EDT on June 7, 2021.

How to Enter

Create your own original tattoo design for the chest, back, head, or arms. Then, submit it from May 17 through June 7 via:

  • Twitter using #ACTattooContest
  • Instagram using #ACTattooContest
  • Discord using the #ACTattooContest channel on

Don't forget to include the intended tattoo placement in your submission entry!

Download the Tattoo Templates

Check out the tattoo template guides to help you get started. You can either submit your design on these downloadable templates or on a clean background.

ACV templates web WOtext resize

Rules: ACV TattooContest OfficialRules

Privacy Notice: ACV TattooContest PrivacyNotice


  • The winning tattoo designs will be selected by the developers of Assassin's Creed Valhalla and implemented into the game by Fall 2021. All players can redeem the tattoos from Ubisoft Connect for free.
  • Each winner will also receive an Assassin's Creed Valhalla merchandise pack with a retail value of $225.

ACV TattooContest Rewards 16X9

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