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31 July 2019

Agent Highlights: It’s good to be back!

Greetings Agents,

Long-time no see! It's been a while since the last Agent Highlights, but we are back and ready to share some of the amazing creations from The Division community with you. Agents showed plenty of activity during the past three months and delivered a lot of great content. Let's head straight to it!



Some Agents are fighting with Hunters on the streets of New York, some on stages! Agents Nadya Marchenko and The0Pro faced off against Moonlight on the Epic Con stage in Saint Petersburg!


But it looks like Nadya betrayed The0Pro and went to get some "gud coffee" with Moonlight.

If you really like your agent's apparel, then take some inspiration from Dot_Hack_Kyrios, who is great at recreating outfits from the game.


It doesn't matter if you are in Washington, D.C. in the summer or in New York City in the winter. Agent Melih Cosplay has you covered no matter the weather!


Lastly, we have seblk1a1 with his really cool Agent photoshoot. The graffiti backdrop evokes some real downtown New York vibes.



One of our Agents started a comic series called Throwing SHD! It shows the everyday struggles of an Agent fighting the good fight. Make sure to follow Grandarex to see even more funny creations!


We can't wait to see more of this!

We all know it can get really hot in Washington DC and this Agent needs backup! Someone get her some ice-cream ASAP! You should also send some to dazeroyuu as a thank you for this amazing piece of art.


But don't underestimate her, we are sure that she is fearless. Just look at that Hunter mask!

For our last Fan Art piece, we have an impressive 3D artwork made by PTPazza.


The detail of the scenery around the Brooklyn Bridge is simply stunning! Amazing work PTPazza!


We will be kicking off the Fan Creation section with something very unique and brave. [REZO] Tinkkz and [REZO]CatClawzzz decided to get matching tattoos, not only to commemorate their friendship but also their love for The Division.


This is really badass girls!

Ever wondered how The Division would look like made using some of our most beloved childhood toys?

Wonder no longer, as MikeTheBrickGuy is bringing The Division universe to life, one brick at a time.


Looks like Agent Johnson received an upgrade from compassghost. With all of the specialization weapons he is ready to fight for D.C.



This time, the team favourite comes courtesy of the one and only Cheshire Cat. Cat combined her beautiful The Division 2 Polaroids with footage of people living their new lives in DC. Her nostalgic video perfectly portrays how, when united, people can overcome anything.

Thank you Cat for the beautiful video!

That's all for Agent Highlights! Thank you to all the creators in the community for their amazing work.

Remember Agents, if you would like to be featured in next month's Agent Highlights article, don't forget to tweet your creations with the hashtag #AgentHighlights.

Until next time,

/The Division Community Team