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1 December 2020

Season 3 Wrap-up

Agents, Season 3 – Concealed Agenda is near to its end. We are in the midst of the final weekly events and want to highlight some things that will close along with the Season.


All five manhunt targets are currently available – Shade, Wraith, Dusk, Belfry, and Bardon Schaeffer, the Prime Target. Each target was revealed one by one throughout the course of the Season, now that we are near the end of the Season you are free to hunt them all. In order to take down the Prime Target, Schaeffer, you will need to eliminate each of the other four Rogue Agents first.

If you have reset your Manhunt progress throughout the Season, you will need to make sure that all four Rogues are defeated again before going after Schaeffer.
Upon defeating Schaeffer, you will be rewarded with the Shrapnel Trap skill variant, as a permanent fixture to your Agent’s arsenal of skills. This unique skill variant is currently only available through the Manhunt, so make sure to get it while you can.

Manhunt progression is unique for each agent on a single account. Individual progress and the Shrapnel Trap skill variant are tied to the specific Agent that completes the different portions of the Manhunt.

If you missed your chance during Season 3, don’t worry! The unique Season skill variant will be made available through gameplay in the near future.

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With Season 3 ending, the ability to earn Seasonal Levels will also be ending soon. This means your chance to earn various rewards like the Memento Backpack and Backfire SMG Exotic, Named Items and Caches, as well as the different weapon and gear skins is coming to an end soon.

In case you missed out on some of the Seasonal loot such as the Hunter’s Fury Gear Set, the Memento Backpack and Backfire SMG Exotics or the named weapons, you will be able to acquire all the seasonal gear through normal gameplay sources once the Season has ended.

Cosmetic rewards like the Hunter’s Fury Outfit, weapon skins, gear dyes and unique patches gained from the Seasonal Levels may no longer be available through other sources after the end of the Season.

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You will also be able to find Season level Instant Unlocks in the in-game store, which will allow you to instantly unlock a Season Level and the attached reward. The Season Level Unlocks are designed as a catch-up mechanic for players who have not had the time to reach their intended level and still wish to do so.

Season Level Unlocks are available for 100 Premium Credits per level and do not grant SHD Level EXP, Event Points or any items not directly connected to Seasonal Progression.

We are in for an exciting ending for Season 3, with the Guardians Global Event returning starting today – and all the Manhunt Targets available to track down.

Season 3 progression and rewards will be available up until the release of Title Update 12 on December 8th.

Enjoy, Agents, and good hunting!

Until next time,

/The Division 2 Development Team