
Season 8 Finals Interview: Mock-it Esports

We took time to sit down with KS, Ripz and Lazzo from the #2 seeded team in Europe, Mock-it Esports. We asked them questions about preparation and mindset leading up to the Pro League Season 8 Finals.

Mock-it Esports has had performed very well this season, finishing second place in the European Pro League. What are your ambitions heading into the Pro League Finals in Rio de Janeiro?

Ripz: Our goal is to gain as much experience as possible in Rio and we are working towards the victory. We feel stronger than ever right now. Plus, the help of an organization like Mockit is an incredible motivational boost. After so many months without one, Mock-It helps us to go beyond our limits.

Your roster has seen some big changes throughout the Season 8, and you succeeded to remain unbeaten during the entire second half of the season. How did you manage to find chemistry so quickly as a roster?

Ripz: Since we were already good friends outside of Pro League with korey and Vale, things were actually easier than expected with these two. We knew immediately with which role they'd feel comfortable with and after some scrims we did pretty good. With BakaBryan however, things were a little different since we didn't really know what to expect. But after a while we figured out that he could pretty much play any operator we asked him to. With this basic structure all that was left was practice, practice and some more practice.

For the quarterfinals, you’ll play FaZe Clan on its home-field, in Brazil. Is it making a difference for your team in the preparation of the game, as they will have a big support from the crowd?

Lazzo: We already played Faze at Paris Major group stage with our old roster and put on a hell of a fight so we know who our enemy is and how we can beat him. Once we are in-game we can blend out the crowd and are only focused on the game and, of course, winning it.

You are the most experienced player from the roster, winning two Pro League crowns during your career. Do you give specific advice to your teammates in order to prepare this Finals?

KS: Player wise there isn’t any “specific advice” which I gave to my teammates. I only said that they have to hide the crowd in front of them. No one of my teammates played on the big stage but is used to play in front of a really small crowd.

Which teams impress you the most in the global scene?

Lazzo: G2 is a team which really impressed us with their consistent play style and there individual skill. Every single player of them is able to step up for the team and can win the match single-handedly.

Good luck to Mock-it Esports this weekend at the Season 8 Pro League Finals! Make sure to follow KS, Ripz, Vale, korey, BakaBryan, and Lazzo on Twitter.


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