
Tower to be removed from Ranked Map Playlist

We will be removing Tower from the Ranked Playlist at the start of Year 3 Season 2, Operation Para Bellum. Tower is being removed for the following reasons:

  • Tower’s overall balance is not where we want it to be for a Ranked playlist.
  • Due to the size of the map, roamers have an unfair advantage as it takes a significant amount of time to drone and clear the map.
  • Our Level Design team direction lends itself to more vertical gameplay.
  • Tower does not include the competitive design learnings that we have applied to other maps, such as the buffed Clubhouse and Villa.
  • Many areas are too dark for optimal performance.
  • Difficult to play in a group that does not work together regularly.

There are now 11 maps in the Ranked map rotation.

[2018-06-05] Ranked Playlist PB

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