Post Launch
Year 1 Episodes

Operation Greenstone begins with the main campaign on October 4th, 2019, and will run through January 2020. Episode 1's new content will include a four-player raid, Project Titan, as well as a new Engineer class and a new live event featuring the ultimate deadly machine: the Terminator.
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Episode 2 begins on March 24th, 2020 with the release of the new adventure: Deep State. You will also discover a new class: the Echelon, as well as new PVP maps and the introduction of the Ghost Experience. A live event will also be available later during this new episode.
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EPISODE 3 | Red Patriot
Episode 3 begins on September 15, 2020, with the release of the new adventure: Red Patriot. You will also discover a new class, the Pathfinder, as well as a new PVP map: Riverbank. Additional content will be available later this episode.
Get The Year 1 Pass
The Year 1 Pass includes complete access to Episode 2 adventure : Deep State, and the future Episode 3 adventure, along with the ability to invite non-owners to play their missions. Year 1 Pass owners also get one-week early access to all the new classes, beginning with the Engineer and Echelon. The pass also includes Special Operation Forces pack, which includes various gear items.