For Honor Y7S4: Treason

Exploiting the injustice sweeping Heathmoor, the Order of Horkos attacked Valkenheim. They soon laid siege to the village of Moldar. The small Viking town had no hope against the might of the enemy host, and so the Horkos gave them one choice: submit or die.

The leaders of Moldar came to blows over the decision. The village chieftain refused to break their oath to the Chimera Alliance, while his brother, the Highlander Maddox, argued they must join the enemy to survive. When the dread hour came, Maddox stabbed his leader in the back to ally with the Horkos.

It was treason. Heathmoor’s ultimate crime.


Varangian Guard

Exploiting the injustice sweeping Heathmoor, the Order of Horkos attacked Valkenheim. They soon laid siege to the village of Moldar. The small Viking town had no hope against the might of the enemy host, and so the Horkos gave them one choice: submit or die.

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Testing Grounds

From December 14th to the 21st, the Testing Grounds will be open to test improvements to the Highlander, Medjay and Peacekeeper. The Testing Grounds is meant to test changes to heroes and other fight mechanics before they make it into the live game. These changes aren't guaranteed to make it into the live game. To help us determine what makes into into the live game, we need your feedback. So be sure to participate and send us your feedback!

Frost Wind Betrayal

The Viking village of Moldar has fallen. When Horkos forces invaded, the chieftain valiantly refused to break his oath to Chimera. But his trusted advisor Maddox thought such loyalty was madness. Refusing to condemn their people to slaughter, Maddox struck first: he killed the chieftain and assumed leadership of Moldar under a new banner. His own.

This year's Frost Wind celebrations were cut short by an act of treason. At the launch of For Honor's Y7S4: Treason, participate in "Frost Wind Betrayal" and unlock unique event loot as part of the free event pass. Coming back again, as part of the frost wind season, is the Ice Brawlers game mode. Frost Wind Betrayal content will be exclusively available only from December 7th to December 27th.

New Seasonal Customization

An oath is like ice: strong, sturdy, immovable. But ice is also fragile – with enough pressure, it will break. As the Vikings of the people of Moldar turned from Chimera to Horkos, the people of Heathmoor at large found themselves faced with their loyalties. The shocking betrayal led warriors to renew their oaths, arming themselves with new weapons and armors to illustrate they remain steadfast in their beliefs.

Oathbreaker Maddox

The Highlander Maddox wears the skin of a sabertoothed tiger to identify himself as was he is: a survivor. Once a warrior without a home, he was welcomed into the village of Moldar by the people as one of their own. There, he found a new family, and a place to belong. But when the Order of Horkos attacked, Maddox found himself torn. To prevent the slaughter of his people, he had to do the unthinkable. To survive, he had to break his oath to the Chimera Alliance – and to his family.

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Battle Pass

When Maddox broke his oath and killed his chieftain, the village of Moldar changed allegiance from Chimera to Horkos. Under the new leadership of Maddox, all those who have followed the Oathbreaker have taken up new weapons to wield in battle. With these, those who wield them show their new allegiance. But for their enemies, it means only one thing: these are the weapons of traitors.

Overcome treason this season and loot 100 tiers of rewards for all heroes! Available during For Honor's Y7S4: Treason.

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