25 September, 2019

19 Min Read

Patch Notes 2.13.0 to 2.13.2



  • [Bug Fix] Fixed a issue that caused the “Twilight of the Gods” to have Super Armor and Guard Break vulnerability at 700ms, lowered both vulnerabilities to 100ms
  • [Bug Fix] Fixed a issue that caused the “Hamarr Slam” to have Super Armor and Guard Break vulnerability at 400ms, lowered both vulnerabilities to 100ms
  • [Bug Fix] Increased Stamina damage of “Jotunn Farewell” to 55 (from 45)
  • [Bug Fix] Decreased Stamina damage of “Jotunn Grudge” to 15 (from 30)
  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Zone Attack to have a 400ms Guard Break vulnerability, lowered both vulnerabilities 100ms


  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that allowed a 100ms window to counter Guard Break during Hidden Stance transition to Recovery
  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Nobushi Bleed effect to be cleansed by move like the Shaman’s “Predator’s Mercy”



  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that allowed the players to pass through the railing in the Canopy map


  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that sometimes allowed the players to exceed maximum inventory limit

Due to technical difficulties, the Fix of the Inventory Overflow won’t be coming in this update.

With the release of 2.13.0, some previous changes where missing, this patch is to correct those missing changes.

  • [Xbox One] Title may crash when accessing Warrior Trials after playing a Match


  • Rewards in Ranked Duel are now based on the match duration



  • [Adjustment] Active Feats and Debuffs are now working properly when receiving Revenge gains
  • [Adjustment] Receiving multiple attacks on the same frame will grant the right amount of Revenge gain
  • [Adjustment] Countering a Guard Break will not grant Revenge gain
  • [Adjustment] Captains and Guardians are no longer allowed to count as an active opponent. They will not give any Revenge gain
  • [Bug Fix] Fixed issue on certain attacks that were not providing Revenge gain. All attacks will now give the right amount of revenge

Developer comments: We’ve been aware of a number of issues surrounding revenge, and here we are fixing the known outstanding issues with revenge gain. The particular change to Active Feats means that hitting an opponent with a projectile Feat, for example, will no longer count as an additional revenge active opponent.

Zone Attack

  • [Adjustment] Warden, Peacekeeper, Conqueror, Lawbringer, Kensei, Orochi, Nobushi, Raider, Berserker, Valkyrie, Shinobi, Aramusha, Shaman, Highlander, Gladiator, Shaolin, Tiandi, Jiang Jun, Hitokiri: Removed brief 1 second Stamina regeneration pauses that occurred during most Zone Attacks

Developer comments: Standardization of Zone Attacks to have no hidden Stamina regeneration pauses.


  • [Adjustment] The time between each damage tick and the duration of the fire has been doubled. Damage stays the same but is done over a longer period of time

Developer comments: While it remains as potent in terms of damage overall, the fire now offers a longer window of time during which you can try to kill your attacker or attempt to heal yourself.



  • [Adjustment] “Exsanguis Celeritas” Light Attacks are now enhanced against a Bleeding target

  • [Adjustment] Reduced all Heavy Starters’ recoveries

    • Hit recovery is now 800ms (from 900ms)
    • Normal Block recovery is now 800ms (from 900ms)
    • Superior Block recovery is now 900ms (from 1000ms)
    • Miss recovery is now 1000ms (from 1100ms)
  • [Adjustment] Reduced all Heavy Finishers’ recoveries

    • Hit recovery is now 800ms (from 900ms)
    • Normal Block recovery is now 800ms (from 900ms)
    • Superior Block recovery is now 900ms (from 1000ms)
    • Miss recovery is now 800ms (from 1100ms)

Developer comments: The addition of the “Exsanguis Celeritas” property should help the Peacekeeper gain a tangible gameplay advantage from applying bleed to her opponents, helping her keep offensive pressure.


  • [Adjustment] Reduced all Light Finishers' recoveries

    • Hit recovery is now 600ms recovery (from 900ms)
    • Normal Block recovery is now 600ms (from 900ms)
    • Superior Block recovery is now 700ms (from 800ms)
    • Miss recovery is now 700ms recovery (from 1100ms)
  • [Adjustment] Reduced Top Heavy Finisher’s recoveries

    • Hit recovery is now 800ms (from 1000ms)
    • Normal Block recovery is now 700ms (from 1000ms)
    • Superior Block recovery is now 800ms (from 1100ms)
    • Miss recovery is now 800ms recovery (from 1200ms)
  • [Adjustment] Reduced all Heavy Finishers' recoveries (Sides)

    • Hit recovery is now 800ms (from 900ms)
    • Normal Block recovery is now 700ms (from 900ms)
    • Superior Block recovery is now 800ms (from 1000ms)
    • Miss recovery is now 800ms (from 1100ms)

Developer comments: Lower recoveries encourage letting go of the Finishers in outnumbered situations.

  • [Adjustment] Top Light Finisher now causes a Light Hit Reaction (was Heavy)


  • [Adjustment] Tightened timing to dodge a “Headbutt” by 300ms
  • [Adjustment] Reduced recovery of Zone Attack to 600ms (from 1000ms)

Developer comments: Tightened the dodge timings to prevent very early dodges to successfully dodge the attack.


  • [Adjustment] Side Light Attack Starters are now 500ms (from 600ms)
  • [Adjustment] Increased damage of the Infinite Lights in chains to 18 (from 13)

Developer comments: We have been gradually speeding up 600ms Light Attack Starters in an effort to encourage offense, the Conqueror was one of the few Heroes who still had them. Moreover, we felt the damage of the Conqueror’s Infinite Lights in chains was too low and thus discouraged trying to continue the chain.


  • [Adjustment] Reduced recovery of regular Light Finishers (when not triggering the Light Attack Combo)

    • Hit recovery is now 600ms (from 800ms)
    • Normal Block recovery is now 600ms (from 800ms)
    • Superior Block recovery is now 700ms (from 800ms)
    • Miss recovery is now 900ms (from 1100ms (Top) and 1200ms(Sides))
  • [Adjustment] Reduced recovery of Zone Attack Feint by 100ms to prevent guaranteed Guard Break after a Block of the first hit

Developer comments: While it is admittedly rare for the Nobushi to reach her regular Light Finishers, we felt they should at least have shorter recoveries when used.


  • [Adjustment] Having a Charged Attack blocked from point blank no longer gives the opponent a guaranteed Guard Break

Developer comments: The Shinobi is already taking a big risk releasing a Charged Heavy so it felt too punitive to give the opponent a free Guard Break for just blocking it.


  • [Adjustment] Reduced recovery of all Defensive Form Heavy Finishers

    • Hit recovery is now 800ms (from 1200ms)
    • Normal Block recovery is now 700ms (from 1200ms)
    • Superior Block recovery is now 900ms (from 1300ms)
    • Miss recovery is now 800ms (from 1400ms)
  • [Adjustment] Reduced Stamina cost of Offensive Form's Enhanced Lights to 16 (from 27)

  • [Adjustment] Reduced Stamina cost of full Zone Attack to 60 (from 90), distributed as costing 40/10/10

Developer comments: The Highlander’s Defensive Form Heavy Finishers are quite fast but paid a disproportionately heavy price in their recoveries, so we shortened them to encourage their use.


  • [Adjustment] Reduced Stamina cost of full Zone Attack to 60 (from 70), distributed as costing 40/10/5/5, and removed the Feint Stamina cost


  • [Adjustment] Removed the additional 20 Stamina Cost of cancelling “Side Dragon Dodge” into a Dodge
  • [Adjustment] Adjusted all Right Stance Basic Attacks' trajectories to be more horizontal

Developer comments: As a Dodge Attack specialist, we want to encourage the Tiandi to chain “Side Dragon Dodges” more often. It should also now be easier to hit external opponents with Right Stance Basic Attacks, especially Heavies, whose trajectories were smaller than their animations seemed to hint.


  • [Adjustment] Reduced all Heavy Relentless Chain Finishers’ recoveries

    • Hit recovery is now 800ms (from 1000ms)
    • Normal Block recovery is now 800ms (from 1000ms)
    • Superior Block recovery is now 900ms (from 1100ms)
    • Miss recovery is now 800ms (from 1200ms)
  • [Adjustment] Modified damage distribution of “Death Point Strike” and “Death Point Strike Alternate” to 7/7/7 (from 12/6/6)

Developer comments: Reduced the effective damage of a 500ms Light from neutral to 21 (from 24). We also lowered the recoveries of the Heavy Relentless Chain Finishers to encourage their use in outnumbered scenarios.

Black Prior

  • [Adjustment] Tightened timing to dodge a “Tenebris Rising” by 200ms

Developer comments: Tightened the dodge timings to prevent very early dodges to successfully dodge the attack.


  • [Adjustment] Improved the tracking of the “Zealot’s Stride” Sprint Attack

Developer comments: “Zealot’s Stride” tracking was a little too low, which sometimes caused it to miss when it felt like the opponent should have been hit.

High Fort

  • At Capture Zone A

    • The ledge at the staircase leading up to Capture Zone A has been blocked off.
  • At Capture Zone C

    • The bridge from Attacker spawn leading in to Capture Zone C now has railings.
    • Some ledge openings near the entrances of Capture Zone C have been blocked off
    • The Middle Bridge is still wide open
    • Spikes were removed from the base of Viking statue

Developer comments: Although Capture Zone C still has some ledging opportunities, we want the approach towards it to feel safer from one shot deaths. Also the Spikes were overkill on an already dangerous area.

  • [Adjustment] We changed the Team Color assignation on some color swatches that could be confusing for team identification. Color swatches were not modified; only Team Color assignation.

  • Attacker

    • New Retro
    • Dawn on the Swamp
    • Ebbing Passion
    • Blackest Flame
    • Rosy-Fingered Dawn
    • Coral Fields
    • Mint Eggplant
    • Arid Desert
    • Bloody Ashes
    • Wings of Glory
    • Father of Understanding
    • Mustard Seed
    • Open Flame
    • Dying Embers
    • Frosted Cake
    • Blind and Bloody
    • Blood and Onyx
    • Blazing Nights
  • Defender

    • Caligatio Belli
    • Posh Living
    • Ao Qin's Dawn
    • Blood Omen
    • Cloudy Day
    • Seashore
    • Vigrior
    • Electric Sunset
    • Smoky Waters
    • Sky Lark
    • Foggy Nights
    • Sea Raven
  • [Adjustment] We changed these color swatches to neutral only because they could be confusing for team identification. Color swatches were not modified:

    • Dawn of War
    • Nothern
    • Turquoise Torment
    • Aerial Disaster
    • Gnipahellir's Fur
  • [Adjustment] We changed the Team Color assignation on “Apres-Ski” color swatch and assigned it to the Defender bucket as a result. Color swatch was not modified; only Team Color assignation


  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the player to fall off Zip Lines when activating Revenge. Can no longer Activate Revenge on the Zip Line
  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the player to sometimes be unable to parry an attack after being hit by a minion (which only affected Heroes who do not have Reflex Guard)
  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the player to be unable to revive for the rest of the match when being revived by a teammate that gets disconnected or a bot that gets replaced during the revive



  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Warden’s 2nd Attack in his Light Attack combo to be very likely to collide with nearby walls


  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Raider to be able to soft feint his Zone Attack into Guard Break while Out of Lock


  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Conqueror to incorrectly have Superior Block during the recoveries of his chained Light Attacks


  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Orochi to be unable to track the opponent properly after “Storm Rush”
  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Orochi’s camera to become offset when killing a opponent with “Wind Gust” after deflecting


  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused Shugoki to be able to soft-feint a Guard Break into Activating Revenge


  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Shinobi to have a faster backward strafe speed than intended while charging an attack
  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Shinobi to be able to soft-feint a Ranged Guard Break into Activating Revenge


  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Shaman’s “Good Blood Omen” 2nd attack to be very likely to collide with nearby walls


  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Hitokiri to sometimes have infinite Uninterruptible Stance when Executing and the shield was removed in mid-Execution
  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Hitokiri to not be able to roll from his back dodge when performing the back dodge without a directional input
  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Hitokiri camera to become offset when being hit by the Centurion’s “Legion Kick”


Shield Basher

  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused “Shield Basher” damage to be applied on locked target when hitting a soldier


  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused “Haymaker” to not work against the Gladiator's “Fuscina Ictus”


  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused “Senbonzakura” to seem as active while reviving a teammate

Zealot Bolt

  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the “Zealot’s Bolt” to not unbalance the opponent if hit while on a Zip line


  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the bots to always block the second hit in a chain


The Harbor

  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that allowed the player to reach an unreachable area by dropping from the Zip line

Arena Maps

  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that allowed some moves to push the player out of the game play area


  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused Players sometimes receive no XP, no steel, no loot at the end of a match, only troops
  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that could cause the Guard Break symbol to remained displayed at all times if you unlock while getting Guard Broken by enemy
  • [Bug Fix] Fixed a bug where one or more orders would be shown as numbers
  • [Bug Fix] Fixed a bug where one or more orders would be shown in the wrong language
  • [Bug Fix] We tweaked the player expression of the Raider to make outfits look better


  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused some Australian players to be matchmaked with player from other regions. Thanks “PureLSD.” for the report


  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Tiandi’s "Yi Ru Fan Zhang" execution to have delayed sounds
  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Jormungandr’s “Skull Crusher” execution to be offset when used near a wall
  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused two different color swatch to be incorrectly named “Dying Embers”, one of them is now named “Ebbing Passion”
  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the opponent to get out of viewing area while previewing the Berseker’s “Spark it Off”
  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the team color application on the cloth part of the "Stoneworn" helm to have a different behavior depending on the gender of the Berserker
  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Aramusha's “Think Fast” execution to be missing visual effects
  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Gladiator’s “Brash Victoria” Buckler to present offset Symbol and Embossing customizations


  • [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the title to not close properly when quitting to desktop

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