14 February, 2018

5 Min Read

Season 5 – Conqueror Update

Season 5 Fighter Update: Conqueror

Why do we want to improve Conqueror?

Conqueror is a difficult case – defensively, Conqueror’s passive Superior Block shuts down nearly every Heavy attack and guarantees the Conqueror a free Guard Break. Offensively, Conqueror is overly-reliant on Shield Bash to confirm an attack – and then Conquerors generally stop attacking as it’s too unsafe to continue.

We want to keep the feeling that Conqueror is a wall – but we have to add some risk to the defensive options. We also need to improve the Conqueror’s ability to attack, and let Conquerors have confidence in their attack options such as Charged Heavy.

Superior Block

  • Passive Superior Block is removed

We feel we have to remove the Passive Superior Block property, because having it meant that heroes couldn’t throw Heavy Attacks at a Conqueror without being punished with an Uncounterable Guard Break. Because Conqueror is totally safe while just blocking, Conqueror was getting free damage for no risk.

But, we keep Superior Block on Heavy Openers (normal and charged versions).

And, we keep Superior Block on Dodge.

And, we keep Superior Block on Zone Attack.

Finally, we add Superior Block to Full Block Stance, and we replace Shield Bash Riposte with a new move “Flail Uppercut”.

NEW MOVE: Flail Uppercut

  • Full Block Stance now has Superior Block
  • NEW MOVE: Flail Uppercut can be used after a Full Block Stance Superior Block with Heavy Button
  • 500ms Unblockable Melee
  • New animation(!)

We put Superior Block on Full Block Stance, with the intention that you now use Full Block Stance to predict an attack, and if you block it you can now punish them with a Flail Uppercut.

Notice that yes, the Superior Blocks now all have risks – but they also represent damage rewards. Superior Block on Full Block Stance will guarantee you the Flail Uppercut.

Conqueror should still feel like a strong counter-attacker, and still be durable, but will now have to take risks to get rewards.

Unblockable Charged Heavy

  • Charged Heavies are now Unblockable
  • There are no longer “2 levels of charge”, or “charged finishers”

Conquerors used to have an extremely confusing set of rules around charged heavies – they looked the same, had the same properties, but had more damage depending on what “level of charge” it was. Now, simplify it: we shorten the time required to charge up, and we make the charged attack Unblockable.

Charged Heavy of course retains Superior Block on startup, so Conquerors will be able to hold the charge, and counter-attack to land the Charged Heavy Unblockable. The intention is that the Charged state will now feel threatening for the opponent, and it still incorporates Conqueror’s counter-attacker/defender feeling.

NEW MOVE: Shield Uppercut

  • NEW MOVE: Shield Uppercut is a new melee attack, performed by Cancelling any Heavy Attack with the [Guard Break button]
  • 800ms Unblockable Melee
  • New animation(!)

Charged Heavies are useful, but the opponent could side dodge and punish you.

So we added a melee cancel to all heavies – the Shield Uppercut. The intention of the move is that it will beat people who try to side-dodge the heavy.

Chain Rules

  • Lights can now be followed by Light, Heavy, or Shield Bash Mix Up
  • Heavies can now be followed by Light, Heavy, or Shield Bash Mix Up
  • Shield Bashes can now be followed by Light, or Heavy

Conquerors used to have L>L>H, H>H, and infinite Light chains.

Conquerors also had Shield Bash into Light – the idea was that you could then enter your chain – but players can’t make the 2nd Chained Light work against strong opponents – at 600ms it was just too slow.

So, now we relax the rules of chains for Conqueror. Now, there is only an infinite chain, so a Light/Heavy can now be followed by any of a Light or Heavy or Shield Bash Mix Up. The intention here is that Conquerors who land an attack (e.g. Shield Bash>Light, or Flail Uppercut) will then flow into another attack afterward – instead of always stopping after their one free hit.

Top Light Opener and all Infinite Lights inside the Chain are also now all slightly faster than before (now 500ms).

More information

Check out the articles for the Kensei and Berserker updates here on http://www.forhonorgame.com!

Also, check out our Parry Changes.

And patch notes can be found here: http://www.forhonorgame.com/patchnotes

See you on the field of battle!

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