6 April, 2017

29 Min Read

This Week in For Honor - 06/04/2017

Greetings warriors! Last week we worked hard to provide some upcoming improvements and to give a few insights on what we’re working on at the studio. We want to thank you for your great response and feedback. This week, our game will continue to evolve as we release bug fixes and hero balancing (see patch notes below). We have also reintroduced High Fort after monitoring River Fort map’s performance. Finally, this weekend’s Event Order will be all about duels, so make sure to sharpen your teeth and swords to complete as many duels as you can to unlock 2,000 Steel for all players.

We also wanted to update you on our Community Workshops initiative. Last November, we invited eight community ambassadors to the studio to take part in workshops and play sessions. Their feedback was very useful and it helped us a lot during the development process. Next week, we are doing the same as eight of our top players, from both Europe and North America, will join us to get their hands on our upcoming content and deliver their feedback. Again, the goal is to have the community involved as much as possible in the evolution of For Honor.

Because we are spending the week doing these Community Workshops, the Warrior’s Den livestream will be rescheduled next week. Don’t panic, this weekly article will still be back with upcoming updates. Stay tuned, and see you on the battleground!

Emile Gauthier (SpaceElephant), Community Developer


This week, we are introducing new ways to show off, have some fun or tease other warriors on the battlefield with 12 unique emotes – one per hero.


  • The Drop Katana emote for the Orochi
  • The Blessed Glory emote for the Kensei
  • The Power! Emote for the Nobushi
  • The Heck Yes! Emote for the Shugoki


  • The Best emote for the Peacekeeper
  • The Power Surge emote for the Wardens
  • The I Did This emote for the Lawbringers
  • The Skip-It emote for the Conquerors


  • The Show Off emote for the Berserkers
  • The Make Some Noise! Emote for the Valkyries
  • The Hula-Hoop emote for the Warlords
  • The Axe Press emote for the Raiders

These emotes can be found in the heroes customization menu and acquired using Steel.


Starting on April 7th at 5PM CEST, complete as many Duel matches as you can (Player vs. Player), to reach the community objective before April 10th at 11PM EST. Reaching the objective will unlock 2000 steel for all participating players!
Start: Friday, April 7th, 2017 5PM CEST
End: Monday, April 10th, 2017 11PM CEST
Type: Call To Duel.
Reward: 2000 Steel

The objectives per platform are:
As a community, complete as many Duel matches you can (Player vs. Player)

  • PC: 400 000
  • PS4: 560 000
  • X1: 400 000

Important note: Please do not forget to claim your reward from the last event order, before Friday, April 7th, 2017 3PM CEST. The previous reward will expire as soon as the new event order goes live.

Good luck everyone, and see you on the battlefield!


With Samurai looking to clinch first place in this round, both the Vikings and Knights have a vested interest in keeping the Samurai firmly under their boots. Though an alliance would be interesting to see, the Knights simply cannot afford it. Round 4 is a must win for them.

After securing the cut-off territory from the Samurai and pushing to the midway point of the map, the Knights will need to shift focus to defense in the East while going all out offense in the North, hoping to isolate Viking territory while they sweep forward.

Game update 1.05

This week we are bringing two major updates: Title Update 1.05 and Live Update V1.05.01. You will find detailed patch notes below. As usual, they will be updated on PC first this Thursday, the console updates will come later in a few days. We will keep you updated.

PATCH NOTES – Title Update 1.05


Superior Block feedback

  • Warden’s Top Light opener Superior Block visual effect applied on sword. 
  • Kensei’s Dodge Forward, Left, Right Superior Block visual effect applied on sword. 

Developer comments: Superior Block visual feedback used to be inconsistent across characters. In general we make the weapon or shield flash for the duration of the Superior Block. Some characters like the Warden for instance had their entire body flash, because we were afraid it wouldn’t be visible enough on the sword only for the Top Light opener. However, the full body flash was often mistaken for the Uninterruptible Stance visual effect which is also full body. So we’ve updated the Warden’s feedback to be only on the sword. We did the same for the Kensei’s Dodge.

Valkyrie Moveset

  • Removed Guardbreak Cancel from Shield Tackle Cancel Moveset description. 

Developer comments: we’ve removed the ability to cancel Shield Tackle into Guardbreak in a past update. Unfortunately at the time, we couldn’t update the Valkyrie’s Moveset page. It’s done now.


  • Updated Guardbreak Tutorial text for more clarity on Counter Guardbreak.

Developer comments: The Guard Break Interrupt tutorial had a hint saying “Interrupt enemy Guard Breaks by pressing [input] when they start”. The “when they start portion” was confusing people. In order to be more accurate, that text will now change to “when the enemy connects”.


  • [Bug Fix] Counter Guardbreak ability is no longer affected by the Debuff Gear Stat.

Developer comments: Guard Break can be countered if you press Guard Break within 200ms. The way we’ve handled this mechanic so far caused that time window to shrink if you were using Gear with Debuff Duration Stat. It wasn’t intended, so we’ve updated how this works to guarantee the 200ms Guardbreak Interrupt window regardless of Gear. Guard Break cannot be interrupted if done on a target that is in a Recovery, Dodge or Attack.


  • [Bug Fix] Assassins not falling Unbalance when thrown out of stamina is resolved.

Developer comments: Another issue the community picked up on. In some cases, Assassins were able to prevent Unbalance from happening when thrown while out of stamina. It happened because of their specific Guard Switch. When buffered just at the moment they got guard broken, it would bypass the Unbalance. This issue is now resolved.


  • [Bug Fix] Revenge activation no longer interruptible by Emotes.


  • [Bug Fix] Fixed inverted Kensei Emotes “Wipe Blade” and “Arm and Armed”.

Developer comments: "Wipe Blade" & "Arm and Armed" emote videos and descriptions were inverted. This change will not swap emotes for users but rather fix the menu displaying the wrong info.



  • [Bug Fix] Hidden Stance input improvement

Developer comments: There was an issue with the Nobushi’s Hidden Stance input causing the downward angle detection on the right stick not to work consistently with the other Full Block Stances. It’s resolved now, the Hidden Stance input works the same as Full Block Stances.

  • [Bug Fix] Nobushi's bleed can no longer be applied without hitting target

Developer comments: A bug in the Nobushi's bleed mechanic caused the bleed to be reapplied without actually hitting the target if you used a specific timing. We've managed to fix this and we've also looked at all other attacks applying bleed or stun to make sure it didn't happen on other characters.


  • [Bug Fix] Using Shove on an enemy about to fall used to change their fall reaction
  • (enemy would land on their feet instead of falling on their back).


  • [Bug Fix] Blocking External Attacks while in Full Block Stance now costs stamina


  • Heavy Finishers hit areas updated

Developer comments: This addresses the “phantom hit” issue. We’re changing the data of the Heavy Finishers hit areas so that the animation and hit area look more in sync. However, the issue at stake here is more complex. Fixing the hit areas will help with the issue, but we have a more robust fix coming for this in the future that has to do with our targeting rules. Stay tuned for more details in the future.



  • Health regeneration only works from Idle
  • Health regeneration set to 12HP per tick (from 10HP)

Developer comments: Regenerate could be exploited by fighting enemies Out of Guard Mode. The Warlord could just release lock, take hits, and the Feat would regenerate his HP without much of a challenge. This is not a behavior we want to encourage. By enabling the HP regeneration only in Idle, Regenerate now is efficient in safe scenarios only, which is more aligned with its intended purpose. We’re also increasing its regeneration rate in order to compensate for the loss of regeneration on hits.

Shield Basher

  • [Bug Fix] Shield Basher functionality will no longer be partially deactivated on death.



  • Boosts are no longer available for pick-up at round start, they now appear 20 seconds after each round starts.
  • The time to pick up a Boost has been increased from 1 second to 2 seconds.


  • The following changes have been made to help shorten the average match length:
  • The Hero Kill reward has been increased from 27 to 35 points
  • The Streak kill bonus awarded per subsequent kill is now 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 points instead of 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25.
  • The “Savior” reward (assisting a friendly in a duel) has been increased from 10 to 15 points
  • Introduced the “Avenger” renown bonus that rewards 15 points (Killing an enemy who has recently killed a team mate within a 10 second timeframe)
  • Changed the “Honor” bonus of 1 vs 1/2/ 3/4 to 15, 20, 25 and 30 points from 10, 15, 20, and 25 points
  • Base respawn time has been reduced from 12 to 10 seconds

Custom Match

  • The Hero Single pick option has been added to custom matches, accessed on the rules page.



  • Attack and Defense stats no longer apply when in Revenge mode. Only the Revenge Attack and Revenge Defense stats apply when in Revenge.
  • Debuff Resistance will no longer reduce the Guardbreak Counter window of opportunity.
  • Revenge gain by Defense is now applied only when you block or parry a hit.
  • Revenge gain by Injury is now only applied when you get revenge from taking damage.


  • Revenge mode Defense (found on Weapon slot 2, usually hilt)
  • maximum bonus decreased from 48.2% down to 32.1%
  • maximum penalty decreased from -16.1% to -10.6%

Revenge gain by Defense (found on Weapon slot 2, usually hilt)

  • maximum bonus decreased from 36.2% down to 24.1%
  • maximum penalty decreased from -12.1% to -8.0%

Revenge mode attack (found on Weapon part 3, usually guard)

  • maximum bonus decreased from 48.2% down to 24.1%
  • maximum penalty decreased from -16.1% to -8.0%

Revenge mode duration (found on Helm part)

  • maximum bonus decreased from 54.0% down to 25.0%%
  • maximum penalty decreased from -18.0% to -8.3%

Sprint Speed (found on Chest part)

  • The maximum bonus decreased from 18% down to 9%
  • The maximum penalty decreased from -6.0% to -3.0%


  • All Daily Orders and Contract Orders can now be done in PvP and PvAI without distinction.
  • Added Daily Orders that can be done regardless of the game mode you play. 


  • Team icons disappear from the chat window once the chat has timed out.
  • Players will no longer be paired on the same team when paying in 1v1 Duel after re-inviting a player who has quit



  • FIXED: Some players with newer Mobile Graphics Cards are unable to switch the game to exclusive full screen mode
  • FIXED: Game sometimes gets stuck for 15-20 seconds on the “Exit to World map” pop-up after completing a match
  • FIXED: Game freeze on the World Map for some players
  • FIXED: Game gets stuck on processing message after confirming outfit purchase pop up when social page is in the background
  • FIXED: Uplay achievement title and description are inversed for "Complete the Samurai Chapter"
  • FIXED: Payment window does not disappear when closing the Uplay overlay with the mouse


  • FIXED: Scrolling in the Moveset screen affecting both lists at the same time (Hero Specific & Moves)
  • FIXED: Players are unable to apply background or Symbols for a second time after opening and closing the Uplay overlay
  • FIXED: Game gets stuck on processing/need more steel screen on confirming the feat purchase pop up while hero preview is in background
  • FIXED: In-game error messages not supporting 21:9 resolution
  • FIXED: Selection area of Feats in story mission loadout is too big
  • FIXED: Multiple broken mapped icons
  • FIXED: Keyboard layout screen is missing when a steam controller is connected
  • FIXED: Placeholder button prompt are displayed after disconnecting and reconnecting a steam controller
  • FIXED: Item thumbnail doesn't get refreshed properly if the player clicks an item while dismantling another in the scavenge reward screen
  • FIXED: Mouse click for the client does not work on the warning pop-up, after the host leaves any PvAI session
  • FIXED: "Scroll Up" and "Scroll Down" buttons on Credits page are not clickable
  • FIXED: Tips on Controls page contain old button prompts when a player makes changes in Key mappings and then performs Reset to Default
  • FIXED: Mouse wheel scrolling through parameters of Custom Match on Map Overview is not functional
  • FIXED: Input is not disabled if game is minimized or an overlay (UPlay, Steam) is visible


  • FIXED: Nobushi hidden stance having a smaller input cone than other "down" stances
  • FIXED: Nobushi hidden stance is not working with Steam Controller native controls
  • FIXED: Steam Controller not switching to menu binding when opening the Menu while in Guard mode
  • FIXED: in-game menu is not invoked when a PS4 controller is disconnected 


  • “ALL Chat” is now the default scope for text chat in the Duel Game mode
  • FIXED: Players are unable to use text chat in the lobby on re-match 


  • FIXED: Windows key is now working in borderless and exclusive fullscreen when in the menus

  • FIXED: Win+Shift+Arrow key behavior in borderless and fullscreen:

    • It was possible to move the window outside the viewable space
    • It was not following the microsoft standard "wraparound" o It was not working with Arrow UP/DOWN
  • FIXED: When minimizing after using the shortcut, the game went to the wrong monitor




Zone Attack

  • Zone Attack first strike is now set up as a light attack to trigger an interrupt reaction on block.
  • Cancelling a blocked Zone attack while in Revenge will now force an exit of 600ms preventing you from attacking again.
  • [Bug Fix] Zone Attack UI indicator will now correctly start at the beginning of the animation instead of 100ms later. 

Developer comments: In its current state, Peacekeeper’s Zone Attack has very low risk and very high reward even on block. Revenge also makes the Peacekeeper nearly unstoppable with the ability to repeat the Zone Attack cancel without Stamina penalty. With these changes the move is still a very good opener but will no longer give you a frame advantage on block. Fixing the UI stance indicator’s timing will also make the Zone Attack feel more consistent with its actual timing of 400ms. It will remain one of the fastest moves in the game but the fact that it is always coming from the same stance makes it manageable.

Sidestep Strike and Riposting Stab

  • Sidestep Strike recovery on Interrupt Block increased to 800ms (from 700ms).
  • Sidestep Strike damage decreased to 15 (from 20).
  • Riposting Stab damage increased to 30 (from 25). Bleed effect remains unchanged. 

Developer comments: Blocking Sidestep Strike provides initiative only on a few match ups, so we’re increasing the Regular Block recovery on this attack in order to increase these match ups. Sidestep Strike damage is currently too good compared to Riposting Stab, making Deflect feel too much of a risk compared to basic Dodge. By reducing the damage on Sidestep Strike and increasing the damage on Riposting Stab we hope to restore a more balanced risk / reward between Dodge and Deflect. One last thing about the Peacekeeper, we’re aware of the issues expressed by the community over her Light > Light Spam. Even though we’re not addressing it in this update, we’re currently looking into it so expect changes in the near future.



  • Stamina cost increased to 15 (from 12).
  • Dodge window increased by 200ms.
  • Miss Recovery reduced to 700ms (from 800ms).
  • Miss Recovery branching into Attack delayed by 200ms. 

Developer comments: Dodging the Headbutt can be quite frustrating so we’re increasing its Dodge window of opportunity to make Dodge more consistent while maintaining its great initiation potential. Increasing the Miss recovery and delaying the branching into Attack will make the Headbutt more punishable depending on how early you Dodge and which punish move you have out of Dodge. We also increased the Headbutt’s Stamina cost a little to punish people who spam it too much.

Full Block Stance

  • Bug Fix] Stamina cost could be doubled in some cases. We’ve fixed it.
  • Can no longer be chained into Headbutt unless an attack has been blocked. 

Developer comments: A bug caused the Stamina cost of the Full Block Stance to be applied twice, it’s now fixed. We’ve also removed the option to Headbutt from Full Block Stance idle in order to reduce the amount of options you have to counter from Full Block Stance which is currently very strong. You can still Headbutt out of Full Block Stance after a block. But by removing it from Full Block Stance idle, we want to reduce the Warlord’s ability to interrupt any attempt at attacking him or baiting him while in his Full Block Stance.


Helm Splitter

  • Helm Splitter can now chains directly into the Chain Finisher (rather than the 2nd hit in the chain). 

Swift Strike

  • Swift Strike can now chains directly into the Chain Finisher (rather than the 2nd hit in the chain). 

Developer comments: Kensei’s mix-up from the Unblockable Top Heavy is where Kensei can play mindgames, but the third hit in a chain is very difficult to reach in competitive play. By making it reachable immediately after a Dodge attack, Kensei should be able to apply more pressure.

Side Light attacks

  • Side Light Attack opener startup decreased from 700ms to 600ms. 

Developer comments: Kensei’s initiation is currently based around the Top Heavy Feint into Top Light. By speeding up Kensei’s Side Light openers we want to provide more initiation options from idle.

Light Finishers

  • Top Light Finisher recovery on Interrupt Block reduced to 800ms (from 900ms).
  • Side Light Finishers recovery on Interrupt Block reduced to 800ms (from 1100ms). 

Light Finishers Out of Guard Mode

  • Top Light Finisher recovery on Interrupt Block reduced to 800ms (from 900ms).
  • Side Light Finishers recovery on Interrupt Block reduced to 800ms (from 1100ms).

Designer comments: These attacks just had to be blocked, and they gave up a free Guardbreak (which led to big damage). We want players to feel they are able to attack more often – and making these safe on block is one step towards that goal.


Super Armor

  • Super Armor is now applied on all 2nd and later attacks in chains (used to be applied after 4th).

    • Note: Moveset page is not updated in this version.
  • Berserker no longer requires the preceding attack to hit or be blocked to count towards applying Super Armor.

  • Berserker no longer gets the Stamina cost reduction when Super Armor kicks in. 

Developer comments: Berserker’s identity is based on relentless attacking, but the requirement to land 4+ hits is too much in current competitive play. Putting the Super Armor buff on all of the 2nd attacks in the chains means that now Berserkers can access this reliably, and could be used to trade against reacting Shugokis and Warlords with their Super Armor. We’ve removed the Stamina cost reduction to prevent the Berserker from using infinite chains for too long now that we’ve moved the Super Armor buff to 2 hits. We’ll keep an eye on that for further balancing.


  • Deflect transitions into Guardbreak after 500ms (reduced from 700ms). 

Developer comments: Speeding up the Deflect is meant to help against Peacekeeper and Valkyrie. This will now let Berserker Deflect their Light > Light chains without being stopped by the 2nd Light.

Light Attacks (Out of Guard Mode)

  • Right Light Attacks recovery on Interrupt Block reduced to 700ms (from 900ms)

Designer comments: To prevent free Guardbreak on block. Change is applied on all chained Light Attacks out of Guard Mode to be consistent with their Guard Mode counterpart.


Full Block Stance

  • Hit and Bump recoveries can no longer chain directly into Full Block Stance. 

Developer comments: Conqueror’s ability to flow to Full Block Stance from hit/bump reactions made it extremely hard to open even after a successful hit. For instance, Warden’s Shield Bash couldn’t confirm into Light > Light combo. By removing these transitions, we want to remove the Conqueror’s ability to use Full Block Stance as a panic button.

Shield Bash

  • [Bug Fix] Conqueror cannot counter Guardbreak from Shield Bash Hit and Miss Recoveries. 

Shield Bash Riposte

  • Shield Bash Riposte startup no longer has Block on Top Guard.
  • Shield Bash Riposte Miss recovery no longer has the ability to Block.
  • [Bug Fix] Conqueror cannot counter Guardbreak from Shield Bash Riposte Hit and Miss Recoveries. 

Shield Bash Mix Up

  • Shield Bash Mix Up startup no longer has Block on Top Guard.
  • Shield Bash Mix Up Miss recovery no longer has the ability to Block.
  • [Bug Fix] Conqueror cannot counter Guardbreak from Shield Bash Mix Up Hit and Miss Recoveries. 

Developer Comments: Shield Bash Riposte and Mix Up are extremely hard to punish even if you Dodge because they have defense on Start-Ups, Hit and Miss Recoveries. Removing the ability to defend on these moves should make Conqueror more punishable. We’ve also fixed a bug on Shield Bash, Riposte and Mix Up that allowed Conqueror to counter Guardbreak from these moves’ recoveries; which was an exception from our generic rule that Guardbreak cannot be countered from Recovery.

Heavy Attacks

  • Heavy Attack openers damage increased to 25 (from 23).
  • [Bug Fix] Out of Guard Mode Heavy Attack openers now have the same damage and hit areas as their Guard Mode counterpart. 

Developer Comments: Heavy Attack openers are buffed to 25 damage, because players regen health to 25. In duels, the Conqueror had a difficult time hitting the killing blow when it was only 23 damage, because the opponent wanted to run-away and regen out of killing range. We know Conqueror is a strong character right now - this minor buff is purely to make the end-of-match faster and more exciting, not to strengthen the Conqueror.

Light Attacks (Out of Guard Mode)

  • Right Light Attacks Recovery on Interrupt Block reduced to 700ms (from 900ms). 

Designer comments: To prevent free Guardbreak on block. Change is applied on Light Attack opener and finisher out of Guard Mode to be consistent with their Guard Mode counterpart.


The Long Arm

The Long Arm now guarantees a Side Heavy Attack (but not Top Heavy).

Developer comments: The Long Arm is an iconic move of the Lawbringer, but before it only connected to a guaranteed light. Now it connects to a guaranteed heavy, which should make the risk of launching this move more worthwhile. This heavy can start the Swift Justice chain, which now also features a faster light after that heavy.


  • Parry now guarantees an Impaling Riposte.
  • Parry now guarantees a Make Way. 

Light Riposte

  • Light Riposte applies Stun on Hit.

    • Note: Moveset page is not updated in this version.
  • Hit and Regular Block recovery branchings into Chain increased to 200ms (from 100ms) 

Make Way

  • Make Way has Super Armor.

    • Note: Moveset page is not updated in this version.
  • Make Way damage increased to 25 (from 20). 

Developer comments: Part of Lawbringer’s identity is to be a Counter Attacker. Before, only the Light Riposte was guaranteed. Now, Impaling Riposte and Make Way are also guaranteed. Lawbringer players can choose the best option for the current situation: Light Riposte’s new Stun property is meant to help you enter your chain, Impaling Riposte can run the opponent to a wall, and Make Way’s new Super Armor can be useful when you’re outnumbered. We’re also increasing the input branching to go from Light Riposte recovery to Chain in order to make it less challenging input-wise.

Swift Justice (HLH)

  • Light Attack startup decreased to 500ms (from 700ms).
  • Top Light Attack damage increased to 15 (from 10).
  • Side Light Attack damage increased to 15 (from 8).

Book, Chapter and verse (LHL)

  • Top Heavy Attack startup decreased to 1000ms (from 1100ms).
  • Side Heavy Attack startups decreased to 900ms (from 1000ms).
  • Top Heavy attack damage increased to 35 (from 20).
  • Side Heavy attack damage increased to 30 (from 20).
  • Top Light Finisher attack damage increased to 15 (from 10).
  • Side Light Finisher attack damage increased to 15 (from 8). 

Judge, Jury and Executioner (LHH)

  • 1st Top Heavy Attack startup decreased to 1000ms (from 1100ms).
  • 1st Side Heavy Attack startups decreased to 900ms (from 1000ms).
  • Heavy Finisher Unblockable attack damage increased to 45 (from 30). 

Developer comments: General damage buffs should make the Lawbringer more able to kill the opponent through combat. Some of the chains’ attacks are now faster as well, which we hope will allow the Lawbringer to successfully land hits a bit more frequently. This should help the Lawbringer in Duels but not make him too much stronger in 4v4 game modes where he is already dangerous.


  • [Bug Fix] Removed Super Armor from Hit and Miss Recoveries. 

Developer comments: Shove’s Uninterruptible Stance property was active throughout the build-up and recoveries. It’s now going to be only on the build-up.


Light Finishers

  • Top Light Finisher recovery on Interrupt Block reduced to 800ms (from 900ms)
  • Side Light Finishers recoveries on Interrupt Block reduced to 800ms (from 1000ms)

Light Finisher Out of Guard Mode

  • Right Light Finisher recovery on Interrupt Block increased to 800ms (from 700ms) 

Designer comments: To prevent free Guardbreak on block. Change is applied on Light Attack finisher out of Guard Mode to be consistent with its Guard Mode counterpart.


Light Attacks

  • Light Attacks recovery on Interrupt Block reduced to 800ms (from 900ms)

Light Finisher (Out of Guard Mode)

  • Right Light opener recovery on Interrupt Block reduced to 800ms (from 900ms) 

Designer comments: To prevent free Guardbreak on block. Change is applied on Light Attack opener out of Guard Mode to be consistent with its Guard Mode counterpart.


Light Finishers

  • Light Finishers recovery on Interrupt Block reduced to 800ms (from 1000ms)

Light Finisher (Out of Guard Mode)

  • Right Light Finisher recovery on Interrupt Block reduced to 800ms (from 1000ms)

Designer comments: To prevent free Guardbreak on block. Change is applied on Light Attack finisher out of Guard Mode to be consistent with its Guard Mode counterpart.

For additional patch notes, visit www.forhonorgame.com/patchnotes

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