16 8 2018

HitRECord Highlights #1: Listen to your musical contributions


Since we announced our partnership with HitRECord at E3 this year, we have seen over 6,700 amazing contributions to the initial projects we launched, created by fans and community members just like yourself.

We have been keeping a close eye on them and wanted to share a selection of a few music contributions we really liked. To be clear, this does not mean the contributions presented below will necessarily make it to the final stages and into the game – there are sooo many to pick from, and we haven’t gotten a chance to check them all out yet! The below contributions certainly caught our eye even though they are currently in development. This means you can still contribute!

  1. Chilled Temple Mix, for the Devotional Music project.

This was arranged primarily by Valomat, using a bunch of different contributions that came into the Devotional Music project – there are vocals from ChaneleyWelly and Enlia, along with instrumentation from akthomen, jchuchville, Beatz by bdon, and wholegreaterthansum!

  1. Cheeky Little Monkeys, for the Space Pirate Radio Songs project.

A really fun and silly reggae-sounding track put together by Didjelirium using material from Princesslettuce and ODAWG67.

  1. Space Pirates Rob A Bank, for the Space Pirate Radio Songs project.

There’s a very cool collaboration history here: BlakeAlanEarnhart took a verse from SillyRobin, and put it up against an awesome track from Tyrann0s, speeding it up along the way... Added some funky-ass bass and guitar to the mix. And then, Princesslettuce took the excellent hook from SillyRobin’s verse, “If you got my front, I got your back”, and turned it into a melody. And then Lq4st jumped in and brought it all together…

  1. You’re listening to Radio Cheeta, for the Radio Cheeta Stingers project.

By Jon Presstone: “Everybody turn your systems up so we can take the system down!”

  1. Molotov Monday, for the Radio Cheeta Stingers project.

TLMurray created so many excellent stingers for Radio Cheeta… and Valomat added some heavy guitar to it.


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