26 April 2021The Six Invitational 2021 will gather 19 teams coming from the 4 main regions of the Rainbow Six Esports circuit, competing in a LAN environment, in France. The health and wellbeing of our pro players, staff, partners and fans is our top priority, this is why the event will be held without any live audience and under strict sanitary safety measures for all its participants. For the past months, we have been working with our partner Live Nation, the Health and Safety Agency ACEPS, the medical assistance agency ISMA and the French Government, in order to develop a controlled, safe and competitive offline environment in line with the guidelines of the health organizations and local authorities. Below are the different actions that will be taken to ensure everyone’s safety. We remain steadfast in our commitment to deliver gold-standard safety measures.
Health and safety measures may be updated up until the event, based on the evolution of the local authorities guidelines.
Before the event:
- A minimum of 7 days of self-isolation highly recommended for all players before departure.
- For Brazilian teams: a negative PCR test to provide in order to be allowed by the authorities to fly to France – maximum 36 hours before departure.
- For all, to the exception of Brazilian teams (see above): a negative PCR test to provide in order to be allowed by authorities to fly to France – maximum 72 hours before departure.
- In accordance with French regulation, during the 14 days prior to their flight to France for the event, players coming from the European Union, Australia, South Korea, Japan, the United Kingdom and Singapore, must not travel to the USA, Canada and Brazil.
Players Guidelines
- A maximum of 6 people per team authorized to come to the offline event.
- For Brazilian players: antigenic test completed upon arrival at the French airport.
- Upon arrival and depending on the territory of origin, self-isolation at the hotel for all players for a duration based on the latest local authorities' guidelines.
- All players will have individual hotel rooms.
- Strict separation between teams. Players from one team will not mix with other teams during the event.
- Regular PCR and antigenic testing for all players during the event.
- PCR test before the departure flight.
- Strict departure rule: in order to limit as much as possible the number of people in the venue, all eliminated teams will exit the event upon their elimination and will leave France within the following 48 hours.
- Masks: players will wear masks at all times, except when playing on stage and during interviews.
Sites Guidelines
- Restrictions are applied to limit the number of people on site at any given moment.
- All equipment within the venue will be rigorously sanitized daily at the beginning and end of each day.
- Additionally, the competition areas will be sanitized before and after each match.
- Sanitation of interview equipment and area before and after each interview session.
- Frequent sanitation of all high-touch surfaces.
- Presence of a Covid Manager on site for the entire duration of the event.
- A doctor will be present on site for the entire duration of the event, including during the pre-event self-isolation period.
- Permanent presence of first-aid workers trained in COVID management.
- Presence of thermal imaging camera at site entrance.
Protocols for all people working on-site
- Two documents will be made available to each: - General instructions reminding the national instructions and official recommendations. - Specific instructions adapted to each site and to the competition schedule.
- Face masks will be required at all times.
- Social distancing.
- Set up of a sign-off sheet of "Acknowledgement of the General and Specific Instructions for any person who accesses the venue".
- If a player tests positive for COVID-19 before travelling to France, the designated coach can replace the player as a substitute for the competition.
- If 2 or more players test positive before travelling to France, the full team will be removed from the competition.
- If the coach tests positive before the event, he won’t be replaced during the event.
- Participating teams will face competitive sanctions, up to dismissal from the site and disqualification entirely from the competition, should they fail to comply with the safety instructions at any moment during the event.
- Once in France, if a player tests positive after any of the required PCR tests, the full team will be removed or disqualified from the competition. We’re convinced this additional reinforcement of our sanitary measures is essential to ensure the safety of the other teams and our staff. In that scenario, the disqualified team would be provided the necessary support to ensure they are repatriated in optimal safety conditions for them and the general public.
- If a player from Brazil tests positive through the antigenic test conducted at their arrival in France, a PCR test will be done to confirm the result. If this PCR test comes back positive, then the full team will be removed from the competition. Ubisoft will provide the necessary support to the team to help them go through the local procedures and requirements, including the 10-day quarantine period.