16 November 2022

2 Min Read

Inktober 2022

Some members of our team got involved in Inktober 2022. This blog was posted on our internal website, but we thought we'd share their creations here too!

I look forward to October every year, the spooky vibes, the pumpkin coffee, the cosy outfits, and of course the annual foolish ignorance with which I wholeheartedly commit to drawing 31 images in 31 days before inevitably doing exactly not that. BUT this was gonna be the year! So to hold myself accountable (spoilers: it didn't work) and rope other people into the guilt-soaked fun, the Inktober Teams Group was created!

For those who don't know, Inktober is an annual event where loads of people create drawings every day based on a set of prompts. There are loads of prompt lists around the internet on different themes, and also some that aren't about drawing, such as 'Blocktober' for level designers.

It is fun to try the challenge, and importantly not let it stress you out! I sent an email around to see who wanted to all try together this year and created a group chat for us all to share and support one another.

People have drawn some really cool stuff, and you can check them out below!

[UK Studio] Inktober 2022 - img2
[UK Studio] Inktober 2022 - img3
[UK Studio] Inktober 2022 - img4
[UK Studio] Inktober 2022 - img5
[UK Studio] Inktober 2022 - img6
[UK Studio] Inktober 2022 - img7