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September 6, 2018

State of the Game: Talon Shield Launch

Agents, incoming State of the Game transmission:

During the last State of the Game, Community Developers Petter Mårtensson and Yannick Banchereau discussed the launch of Update 1.8.3 and provided Gamescom updates.

Petter and Yannick are back this week to discuss the Talon Shield launch and provide a roadmap of Division activities for September! We also have visits from Ubisoft Reflections' Senior Game Designer Tom Chambers and Lead Game Designer Mark Russell as well as Leamington's Senior Game Designer James Norris.



The seventh Shield launches today—Talon! Earn 3,000 Commendation score, and the Shield is yours. Talon unlocks retroactively, and so all Agents sitting on 3,000 Commendation score and above will find the Shield already completed. For everyone else, get Commendation hunting!

With our previous roadmap winding down, we wanted to give the community more visibility on all activities happening in The Division from month to month. Everyone can expect dates for State of the Game livestreams, Shield launches, and special events in advance. Our new monthly calendar will also list all the conventions in which The Division 2 will have a presence. With all that being said, we have a September's calendar of activities to share with everyone today!


There is a Fall Sale happening right now until Wednesday, September 19th. Get up to 50% off on select vanity items!


There is also a sale happening on Uplay for The Division right now! Get up to 70% off The Division and the Season Pass until September 12th.

Lastly, we wanted to shout-out some amazing cosplays we saw at Gamescom! @Area_The_Fox and @cosplay_scp048 represented all you Rogues out there in the Dark Zone. Thank you for sending us your flag!



We are hosting a Free Weekend Event on PC starting today until Sunday, September 9th. Console Agents, do not worry! Next weekend we are hosting the same event on Xbox One and PlayStation 4.

As always, be sure to join us over on the Official Forums or on the community Reddit if you're looking for a place to discuss all things related to The Division.

Until next time!

The Division Dev Team