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July 6, 2018

Agent Highlights: DIVISION 2 COSPLAY ARRIVES AT E3 2018

Greetings Agents,

We just began a new chapter with "The Shields". Everything you need to know about Update 1.8.2 is already out there, and what remains is to get you those Shields' rewards!

It has been a big month for all of us, with E3, The Division 2 reveal, and of course meeting some of you in person! The community was super active in June, a new level of community creations has been unlocked, and it was beautiful to go through.

You probably know how it works by now: all featured Agents will receive an in-game gift of 1000 Phoenix Credits.


We saw some interesting cosplays this month, you guys were able to quickly adjust and utilise the reveal of The Division 2 to show off your talents.

We are starting our cosplay section with our talented community trio, Wild Max, Agent Mab and Eidolon Fox. We have all seen what they can do on their own, but these guys have been secretly preparing their cosplays for E3. What a way to kick off our Agent Highlights for June!


We got some more shots of these Agents in action from the rooftops of L.A.


Speaking of being in action, we all can agree that the Hunters give us a thrill when facing them. However, what would you feel like if you spotted a Hunter accompanied by two tough Agents? Well, we know how to trigger that feeling!


Area_The_Fox, we are good, right? No need to come chasing us.

It would not be E3 without having the Hunter present at The Division booth. SplinterShield stole the show with this epic cosplay.


Amazing work, you absolutely nailed it!

We got another great cosplay for The Division 2 by CptKharg.


Let us take a minute here, and contemplate the details of that cosplay. We are happy to see our Agents adjusting quickly to the summery weather of D.C!

It seems that the Hunter is in high demand this month. We have another amazing Hunter cosplay that we had to share with all of you. This is the work of Moonlight1907, from StarCon 2018.



The community has been very active during the month of June, and this was not just limited to the cosplays we have seen.

Let us first welcome our newest contributor to Agent Highlights, Neoyoshi. This fan art just caught our attention straight away, it's simple yet detailed. This was inspired by Rick Valassi and his urges for the cigarette.


We are looking forward to seeing more of your amazing work Neoyoshi.

Next, we have AgtMorganCreed, who has shared with us this lovely piece.


The community seemed to be leaning more towards the fan art for The Division lately, and we love it! It is always nice to see different interpretations of The Division, through the eyes of our community. Great work Clayscence!


We are really happy to see the community is hyped as much as we are for The Division 2! The next piece is by OGSwagPanda, and it's such an interesting shot from the cinematic trailer!


Of course we have our lovely community member, and regular Agent Highlights contributor, Cheshire Cat. Who sent this message to all of The Division community: "You guys are the best"


You are the best Cheshire Cat!

The last one we have in this section is a tribute to our rising stars Agents, Area The Fox. We all here admire the work you do, and our community also shares that feeling! This art work is done by the pure talent of Starship_apollo.



We have seen many creations by The Division community, and it is such a great honour to see how things are evolving as we move forward.

We all had the chance to create our Agents, and go with them on this journey. But what about before the activation? Eidolon Fox shared this with us, "Who we were".


We think you might be on something here Fox. We would sure love to see this spreading across our community, in a similar way that we saw #EmojiAgent and #PlayingAgent.

Speaking of the challenge hashtags we saw a couple of months earlier, ArmorForCor has got a new one for you, #AgentsApparel. Go and check out this hashtag, to share your favourite Agent outfit from The Division!

It's a delight to see many of you already preparing content for The Division 2. Next one is by Keelan562.


This reveals the amount of work that goes into preparing a cosplay. We like what we see Agent. Looking forward to seeing the final product!

The contaminated drinks are back! We have been keeping an eye out for those Dark Zone booster drinks, and we have the latest version from Batenburg. You can also have it with the Welcome to Washington D.C. can.



Choosing the team favourite was never as difficult, but worry not, because we have something special for you this month.

What makes us choose our favourite is a combination of elements usually. But sometimes, it is just the emotions that comes with it. And this is why we choose this one as our favourite for this month.

Goose has shared this heart-warming tweet combined with one of his iconic hashtags, #TheDivisionFavItem. The new challenge is simple, you just need to show your favourite thing about The Division, and say a small thing about it.


We will be checking that hashtag to see what different things our community favours about The Division.

Agents, keep those fantastic creations coming! If you would like to be featured in next month's Agent Highlights article, don't forget to tweet your creations with the hashtag #AgentHighlights.

ATTENTION: Agents, please follow @TheDivisionGame on Twitter so we can get in touch with you for the rewards.

Thank you from all of us!

Until next time,

The Division Community Team