
Interview with Rainbow Six Pro league Champions – ENCE Esports

Today we’re putting the spotlight on ENCE. As winners of the Year 2 Season 3 Rainbow Six Pro League Championship in Sao Paulo, we asked them a few questions about their performances and find out their thoughts on the Rainbow Six scene.

First of all, congratulations on the Pro League victory. The community has been talking about a potential LAN curse; do you feel that your win against Evil Geniuses (EG) was a turning point?

Willkey: It was a long journey for the title and finally we were able to secure it. We knew from experiences that the first game is the hardest one. If we can clear that, we knew we could go all the way. We got EG as our first opponent, and I guess it was good in the end as it ended being the toughest match of the competition for us. After that, we just carried the momentum and good feel to the next games and took it home. So of course, I agree that it was kind of a turning point for us.

Pannari: Yes, definitely! Winning that first game on LAN was very important for us. It felt like we finally have beaten our demons and that now, no one can stop us.

In Map 2 of the Grand Finals, after being down 4-0 on Chalet, to Black Dragons, what was your approach to reverse the situation and win six in a row?

Bounssi: Our whole mentality for these finals were just to play our own game and not think about winning it too much. This prevents stupid mistakes from happening. When we were at the 0-4 situation, we said “ok guys, play like the game is 0-0. Round by round. Don’t think ahead about a possible loss. Just play”. Then our game started working and we got the comeback.

Kantoraketti: We went in with the mentality of not caring what the score is, taking each game round by round, and not tilting over losing some. We believed in our own game and it worked.

After the quarter finals against EG, you faced, and beat, both Brazilian contenders: Team Fontt and Black Dragons. How did it feel to face the local Brazilian crowd, after those games?

Bounssi: For me, it felt more like a "power source", to see them so hyped for the Brazilian teams. When we won rounds against those teams, hearing the crowd go all-quiet, gave me more motivation to do well in the game and go for the win!

Shatte: After we beat EG, we knew that on the next match, the crowd will cheer for the opposite (Brazilian) team and we managed to find strength from that. It all depends on the mindset you have. You can either find it as a weakness, or a strength. We wanted to make the crowd quiet.

The second year of Pro League saw the rise of the Brazilian competitive scene. What are your thoughts about the progress made by the region?

Bounssi: Brazilian teams have always been good, but there is something missing. Like a key element to make it work against a very coordinated team. Their aim is on another level, but you do not only win games with aim. Most of the time, you need tactics and good teamwork to get wins.

Shatte: I found that the Brazilian teams are really strong in some aspects, such as aiming and movement. However, in many cases, lack communication and coordination. Every region has their own strengths and weaknesses. That being said, Brazilian pro players are nice, experienced, and I have huge respect towards them. In addition, they don’t usually shuffle their team rosters, so that’s good too.

Throughout year 2, the Pro League title remained in Europe. First with back-to-back championships by PENTA, and now with your win in Brazil. Why do you think European (EU) teams did so well this year?

Kantoraketti: I think the reason for EU teams are doing so well in the pro league is because they don’t switch rosters after every single LAN. We work on the issues inside the team and try to get it to work. Our team is a good example. We've been working on our problems and managed to win the championship. I also think EU plays more tactical than regions like North America, while regions like Brazil tend to rely more on individual play.

Willkey: Personally, I have always been an advocate for roster stability, and it is good to see it being carried out in EU. Penta, and our team, had to both make some initial changes to our lineup, until we found the current roster that we felt comfortable with. I think it is easier to build more in-depth tactics for a team when you have the common experience with your teammates. At that point, everyone knows what other people think, and how they like to play the game. I can also say that our comeback from the 0-4 situation in the finals is due to our roster stability. Everyone knew what tactics I wanted them to play, after I was able to see that our in-game plan was not working.

As there are no major competitions until the Invitational in February, how do you plan to prepare for it?

Pannari: Practice, practice, practice. Once the new operators are released, we are going to grind hard, and start our preparations for the Invitational. We are very hungry for that trophy! Since the Invitational is going to be the biggest Rainbow Six competition to date, we are going to be more prepared than ever before.

Willkey: First of all, we are going to take a much-needed vacation. Then, once Operation White Noise launches, we will start to practice again.

At the Invitational, there will be an All-Star match. Whom would you pick from other teams (EU, NA, LATAM or APAC) to create your all-star roster?

Shatte: My all-star roster would be Julio, NvK, Skys, Fabian, and Gohan

Kantoraketti: jOONAS, NVK, Gohan, Julio, Canadian

Thanks to the members of ENCE, who took their time to answer some of our questions about their Pro League experience, as well as their thoughts on the scene. You can follow them on Twitter (Shatte, Kantoraketti, Willkey, Pannari, Bounssi) for additional insight into their experience on the road to the Six Invitational in February!

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