
Interview with Evil Geniuses

This week the eight best Pro League teams from around the world will face off in Atlantic City, USA to determine the Season 7 champion.

We sat down with Canadian and Necrox from North America’s Evil Geniuses to discuss some of their favorite competitive experiences, and advice that they would give new players.

Your first match this season is a rematch of the Six Invitational Finals against PENTA. How did you feel when you saw the seeding show, and without giving too much away, how are you preparing for it?

Canadian: We’re pretty excited to get a rematch. We’re going into it wanting to win it, of course, and PENTA is a team that we’d obviously have to play if we want to win the event. We’re excited for the match as we never back down from a challenge. To prepare, we’re going over the map pool, making sure that we won’t have any surprises, and preparing ourselves as best we can.

What do you feel is the most important characteristic to have in order to be successful as a Rainbow Six team?

Necrox: You have to believe in yourself and your teammates. If you even have a shroud of doubt, that won’t carry over well, and will eventually cost you a win. You definitely have to trust your teammates.

What was the hardest game of the season so far?

Necrox: Our match against Rogue (seeding match). There wasn’t as much on the line but they’re definitely the toughest opponent we played.

Do you have a favorite team to play against?

Necrox: PENTA, just because it is the biggest competition. We’ve developed a rivalry since the Six Invitational.

Canadian: Even before that, we’ve both been very high winning teams and that developed into a natural rivalry. I definitely think PENTA, a lot of storyline there.

What advice can you give new players who want to go pro?

Canadian: Honestly you just have to put in a lot of time and not get discouraged. You probably won't have good results right off the start. Play a lot, find a team, and learn! The more you play, the more you improve. Eventually you will get noticed. You just have to put in the time and keep improving.

Necrox: Definitely, I agree.

If you could face any team in the world that you haven’t faced yet, who would it be?

Canadians: Black Dragons or Liquid we haven’t played them yet and they’re all very close on skill level. We’ve only played FaZe, so it would be great to play the other LATAM teams.

Do you have a favorite LAN experience?

Canadian: The first Invitational, when we won.

Necrox: Year 1 Season 3, when we won. It was great because we came back when no one expected us to win.

How do you determine who plays what role on the team?

Necrox: Roles are more natural than anything. Troy wasn’t ever set as the “IGL” he just became that because he talked a lot, so he just naturally fell into that role.

Canadian: It’s just a natural thing, how a person plays the game. Whatever playstyle you have will help naturally determine which role you play.

Is there anything else you’d like to say?

Canadian & Necrox: Thanks for supporting us, we hope we make you proud!

For more information about the Rainbow Six Pro League please visit http://www.rainbow6.com/esports and follow us at https://twitter.com/R6ProLeague.

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