August 31, 2017

3 Min Read

Release Notes - Season 3 Live Update 1



  • [Bug Fix] Highlander's Guard Break range is now the same as other characters.


  • [Bug Fix] Centurion's Heavy Attacks and Charged Heavy Attacks now cost the right amount of stamina when feinted.

Developer Comments: A bug in these attacks’ logic caused the Feint cost not to compute correctly resulting in the Centurion’s ability to chain about 16 feints before running out of stamina. We’ve increased these feints stamina cost accordingly in order to allow fewer feints. Centurion should now be able to chain about 8 feints before running out of stamina.


  • Stampede Charge sprint speed requirement has been increased to 4m/sec (from 3m/sec).
  • Stampede Charge startup increased to 700ms (from 600ms).

Developer Comments: Raider’s Stampede Charge could be triggered very quickly after initiating Sprint because the speed requirement to enable the move was low, causing exploits as we’ve seen during the Hero Series Tournament. Increasing the Sprint speed requirement to trigger Stampede Charge will limit it’s exploits from an unlock half-turn. We’ve also increased the Stampede Charge startup duration in order to make it easier to dodge.


  • Shinobi's Tackle sprint speed requirement increased to 5m/s (from 3m/s).

Developer Comments: Shinobi’s Tackle could be triggered very quickly after initiating Sprint because the speed requirement to enable the Tackle was low, causing exploits as we’ve seen on the Raider’s Stampede Charge. To avoid the same type of exploit on Shinobi, we’ve also increased the Sprint speed requirement to trigger Tackle.


  • [Bug Fix] Conqueror no longer falls when hit by an opponent's Melee move, while the opponent is in Revenge.


  • [Bug Fix] Uncharged Jab after Heavy finisher no longer Unbalances when done in Revenge.
  • [BugFix] Zone Attack can no longer lose target and become unparryable after the first hit when done Out of Lock.


  • [BugFix] Swift Strike can no longer be unlocked to become unparryable.
  • [BugFix] Kensei can no longer rotate at extreme speed while attacking.

Developer Comments: Kensei was able to rotate at extreme speeds during many attacks due to a bug in our data that allowed the character to continuously update its orientation during startups. We’ve fixed these cases to be consistent with the rest of the cast. The expected behavior is that characters can update their orientation once at the start of an attack. Note that this orientation issue was also fixed on a few other characters’ attacks. Kensei was the character where this issue was the most visible.

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