
How to Find All Islington & Hackney Relics – Watch Dogs: Legion Map Walkthrough

Islington & Hackney Map 2

Map of Islington & Hackney borough in Watch Dogs: Legion

“Map overview showing the Islington & Hackney borough in Watch Dogs: Legion along with relics locations. Zoom in to find precise locations for all relics.”

35. Scooter Headlamp 4/5

Location: Saint John's Gate

Walkthrough: There are several ways of getting to the relic's location, like hacking and driving a cargo drone. But if you are on foot, find an alley to the east and climb your way to the roof until you get to the relic.

35a Scooter Headlamp
35b Scooter Headlamp

36. Platform Shoe 3/3

Location: Seam Nightclub

Walkthrough: Simply climb your way to the roof until you find the relic.

36a Platform Shoe
36b Platform Shoe

37. Radio Londres Microphone 3/4

Location: Old Street Orchestra House

Walkthrough: Go to the back of the building and use the Drone Dock to call a cargo drone. Once it arrives, hack and drive it to the relic's location on the roof.

37a Radio Londres Microphone
37b Radio Londres Microphone

38. Bartmann Jug 4/5

Location: The Hackney Baths

Walkthrough: The building itself is highly guarded, but the relic can be more easily accessed by the east entrance. To get in the room next to the relic, you can either takedown the enemies, cause a distraction or use a Clan Kelley operative. Once inside the room, throw the Spiderbot through a gap over the deposit's reinforced door and grab the relic.

38a Bartmann Jug
38b Bartmann Jug

Looking for other Relics? Click here to go back to the main map, or check the following guides for each borough:


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