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29 January 2020

Specialization #6: Firewall

Greetings Agents!

Today we are introducing you to the new specialization that is coming to The Division 2 with Episode 3: The Firewall. Equipped with the K8-JetStream Flamethrower Signature Weapon, the Firewall specialization is great for those who like to get up close and personal.

The Flamethrower ensures that you can take on enemies up close by firing an arc of flame dealing fire damage and applying the burn effect to enemies caught in its radius.

The Firewall Specialization also pairs up with a Striker Shield skill mod, allowing you to use some weapons, including the Flamethrower, when equipped. The Striker Shield will ensure you are buffed for increased damage, but also extends those buffs to allies taking cover behind you.

As with each specialization beforehand, the Firewall comes with a new Specialization tree and a new sidearm, the Firestarter sawed-off shotgun!

Special Field Research

Similar to the Special Field Research for previous Year 1 Specializations, you will need to take on five stages of in-game challenges that each have their specific set of objectives and rewards. Once you have completed all the stages, you unlock access to the Firewall Specialization, adding the K8-Jetstream Flamethrower to your repertoire of powerful Signature Weapons.

If you own the Year 1 Pass, you will instantly unlock the Firewall Specialization. You still have the option to take on the Special Field Research, but as you progress through each stage of challenges you can unlock additional, exclusive cosmetic rewards such as the Firewall Safety Helmet, Shirt, Pants and Mask. Additionally you can collect the Caldera and Basalt Weapon skins, Lava Lake and Tremor Gear dyes and the Mundane Signature Weapon Skin.


  • Since Pass holders get immediate access to the specialization, doesn't this create a gameplay advantage?

Specializations have abilities and specialized weapons tailored to specific playstyles. Though Year 1 Pass owners will have the benefit of instant access to new Specializations, all players will be able to unlock them through gameplay. All Specializations have different strengths and weaknesses, and appeal to different playstyles and tactical situations. The new Specializations will offer the same tier of power as other Specializations.

  • Is Year 1 Pass the only option to instantly access the specialization and earning the cosmetic rewards?

Players interested in the Firewall Specialization access and earnable cosmetic rewards, can either secure it through the Year 1 Pass, or purchase a Firewall ‘Specialization Pack' for Premium Credits on the in-game store. This entitles them to the same benefits for the Firewall Specialization.

  • Can I still get the cosmetic rewards if I start the Specialization Field Research without the Pass?

Yes, you can upgrade to the Year 1 Pass at any point. The moment you get the Year 1 Pass, you will immediately unlock the Firewall (if you have not finished the Research just yet), as well as get the cosmetic rewards you have earned, depending on which stage you are at.

Even if you unlocked the Specialization without the Pass, once you purchase it, you will immediately unlock all cosmetic rewards.

Until next time,

/The Division Team