Greetings Agents,
The whipping winds of winter are sure to chill even the most steadfast agent, but with a whole division behind us, the fires of hope still burn! Check out December's Agent Highlights and let everyone's favourite sleeper cell jingle your bells.
First up, it's a wintry cosplay from Slowpenguin that embodies an agent's unparalleled ability to weather any storm!
It takes a certain kind of person to make the tough decisions, parse through the noise and salvage what good they can from a fractured world. Luckily, The Division is full of those kinds of people!
Our next agent, Jacob, takes to the woods for their latest mission. The leaves may have fallen, but this agent surely won't!
Seasoned agents don't just use the resources at hand, they use their environments to their advantage, too.
Part of an agent's kill set is being able to anticipate danger and Sebastian is ready to make sure nothing endangers us again.
He's ready, are you?
While it's getting chilly for a lot of us, things are heating up down under! Keelan Grace aims to show us exactly what's going on over at the Australian front with SHD Volume 1, issue 2.

Be sure to ask your loved ones for a year's subscription to SHD Magazine this holiday season!
Next up, Peacemillionen displays the important balance between an agent's duties and downtime.
While members of the Division are more used to putting their foot down, it's always a good idea to find the time to put their feet up. ‘Tis the season, after all!
Getting a new phone this holiday season, or you want to make your current phone a little snazzier? Agent Coohwiip has you covered with two amazing phone wallpaper creations!
They've crafted two hunter variants for the agent on the go, ensuring that you won't have to hunt around for the perfect wallpaper yourself.
They certainly didn't phone it in when they whipped up these!
This month's favourite is from the super talented pairing of Roman and once again, Slowpenguin! Snapped by the talented Nicolay_zharov, these cosplays are spectacular!
That's it for December's Agent Highlights, what a showcase! Though it's the last one of this year, the briefings will continue to be transmitted into the New Year.
If you're on mission and you want to share content from your adventures rebuilding society, tweet us your creations using the hashtag #AgentHighlights.
Happy Holidays!
/The Division Community Team