
How Long Does It Take To Learn Guitar?

Learning to play the guitar is a fulfilling and enjoyable pursuit for many people that can provide an exciting social circle, stretch your creative muscles and even boost your mental health. However, one common question that tends to come up for beginners is, "how long will it take to learn?" Unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the time it takes to become a master of the guitar can vary greatly depending on various factors.

In this article, we'll explore the factors that can affect how long it takes to learn guitar, the different stages of guitar learning, and some tips for accelerating the learning process! By the end, you'll better understand what to expect on your guitar journey and how to achieve your goals.

What Factors Affect Your Guitar Progress?

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Learning to play the guitar is a process that requires effort, patience, and dedication. Some people might find it easier to learn than others, and this can be because of a variety of factors:

Natural Ability and Talent

Some people are born with a natural knack for music and can pick up and play the guitar more easily than others. Natural ability can give someone an advantage in learning an instrument, such as particularly strong hands or perfect pitch, but it's not a guarantee of success.

Even those with natural talent will still need to put in effort and practice to improve their skills, and if you aren't immediately good at the instrument, that doesn't mean you can't get better with practice.

Amount of Time Practicing

Practice is essential to becoming a proficient guitar player, and the amount of time spent practicing can greatly impact how quickly someone progresses. Consistent and frequent practice sessions are critical to building muscle memory, developing finger strength, and increasing finger dexterity --- all of which are required strengths for playing the guitar.

Quality of Instruction

The quality of guitar instruction can also affect the time it takes to learn. Having a knowledgeable and experienced guitar education, whether you go in-person or use an interactive music software like Rocksmith+, can be invaluable in providing guidance, tips, and feedback on technique and style.

Learning Style

Everyone has a combination of different learning styles that works best for them, which can impact the time it takes to learn guitar. Some people learn better by reading music, while others may learn better by watching videos or listening to songs and trying to replicate them. Understanding your learning style can help you to identify the best methods for you to learn the guitar.

Previous Musical Experience

Having previous musical experience can be beneficial in learning the guitar, as it can provide a foundation for understanding music theory and basic techniques. However, it is not a requirement, and even those without prior musical experience can become great guitar players with practice and dedication.

What Are the Stages of Guitar Learning?

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Learning guitar doesn't happen overnight --- it can be a lengthy process and requires a good deal of commitment and patience. Here are the basic stages of guitar learning and what you can expect during each one.

Beginner Stage

The beginner stage of learning guitar is the first stage of playing, when you're still trying to figure out how to pick the right guitar. At this point, you're still new to the instrument and have little or no prior experience with music theory or playing any other instrument.

The beginner stage involves learning the basics of guitar playing, including how to hold the guitar, tune the guitar, play simple chords and melodies, and develop the necessary finger strength and dexterity.

You typically focus on developing a solid foundation of skills that will serve as the building blocks for more advanced techniques and styles of guitar playing in the future. The beginner stage can last anywhere from a few weeks to several months, depending on the individual's natural ability, amount of practice, and quality of instruction.

Intermediate Stage

The intermediate stage of learning guitar is where you finally surpass the beginner stage and develop a solid foundation of skills. At this point in learning the guitar, you have a good understanding of basic music theory, can read sheet music or tabs, and can play various chords, strumming patterns, and scales.

The intermediate stage involves expanding the player's knowledge and skills to explore more advanced techniques and styles of guitar playing. This includes learning more complex chords, fingerpicking, improvisation, and soloing. You can generally begin to develop your own style and sound, maybe even starting to play in bands or perform in front of an audience.

The intermediate stage can last anywhere from several months to a few years, depending on the player's commitment to practice and the quality of instruction.

Advanced Stage

The advanced stage of learning guitar is a high level of skill and proficiency on the instrument, a mastery of a wide variety of techniques and styles of guitar playing, and a deep understanding of advanced music theory.

The advanced stage involves pushing the boundaries of what is possible on the guitar, experimenting with new sounds, and incorporating multiple styles and techniques into your playing.

This includes playing complex chord progressions, advanced fingerpicking and picking techniques, and mastering genres such as rock, jazz, blues, classical, and more. You're able to play highly complex pieces of music, improvise freely, and compose your own music.

Keep in mind that the advanced stage can take many years of dedicated practice and study to achieve, and some players may never reach this level of proficiency. However, for those who do reach this level, the guitar becomes an endless source of creativity and self-expression.

Learning guitar is a personal journey, and everyone has their own timeline for how long it takes to become proficient. There are many case studies of successful guitar learners who have achieved great success quickly, while others have taken years to reach their goals.

What Obstacles Can Lengthen the Guitar-Learning Process?

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Learning guitar is not always easy, and several common setbacks and obstacles can lengthen the process. One of the most common obstacles is a lack of practice. Playing guitar requires consistent practice and dedication; failing to put in the necessary time and effort can slow progress.

Another common setback is a lack of motivation or inspiration. Learning guitar can be a challenging and frustrating process, and it's easy to become discouraged when progress is slow, which is why it's important to set realistic goals and find inspiration in the music that you love.

Finding the right instructor or learning resources can also be challenging, and the quality of instruction and learning resources directly impacts your learning process. It's important to find an instructor or resources that are suited to your learning style and goals to ensure you're getting the most out of your practice time.


Learning to play the guitar is a journey that requires patience, dedication, and consistent effort. While some may have a natural talent for music, anyone can become a proficient guitar player with practice and the proper instruction.

By identifying your learning style, setting goals, and finding a teacher or guitar learning style that's right for you, you can start to make progress and enjoy the many benefits that come with playing the guitar.

Rocksmith+ offers online tutorials and videos that cover a variety of foundational skills, like chords and riffs --- and when you're ready, the song library of more than 6,000 songs can help you master your favorite tunes.

Whether it's playing for personal enjoyment or performing for others, learning to play the guitar can be a fulfilling and rewarding experience that can last a lifetime. So pick up a guitar, start practicing, and enjoy the journey of learning this incredible instrument!


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