The onset of Operation Collision Point brings conflict to dangerous new heights. Old ways of working are challenged and found wanting. Blackbeard pushes past his old limitations and reinforces himself with the new H.U.L.L. Adaptive Shield. His improved gadget is a shield that not only allows for impressive defensive capabilities and breaching, but also enables him to wield a primary weapon at the same time. Read the Y9S4 Patch Notes below for full details.
Mk17 CQB
Marksman Rifle
Frag Grenade
Blackbeard comes equipped with the H.U.L.L. Adaptable Shield. The shield is capable of adapting it's shape to grant the best cover while on foot and in rappel. The shield also includes a breaching pneumatic system that allows Blackbeard to create his own rotations by destroy soft walls. Blackbeard's weapon skills allow him to simultaneously equip the H.U.L.L. Adaptable Shield and primary weapons.
R.O.U. Projectors have been refitted this season with a battery that depletes while the projectors are turned on, and a switch that allows Sens to turn them off. This on/off switch allows for more flexibility and creativity in how you use the device: turn the projectors off if they're working against you, or to leave Defenders crossing the light screen in a vulnerable position.
In addition, thermal sight can no longer see through the screens, providing extra defenses.
With this new update to Thunderbird's Kona Station, you no longer have to stay in its range until you reach full health. Once you step in range, a healing buff is applied and you can leave whenever you'd like. Your health will keep regenerating until full, but be careful—taking damage will remove the buff and your healing will stop.
The update to Ballistic Shields focuses on adding more value to suppressive fire, a feature that allows Defenders to slow down Shield Operators and combat aggressive players so they can reposition or seek help.
In addition, there have been some changes to how melee attacks interact with Shields.
With the arrival of PC & console crossplay, players with a Mousetrap Penalty are forced into the PC-matchmaking pool for 90 days, replacing the old penalty that forced extra latency. If mousetrapped players turn off crossplay, they won't be able to join matchmaking at all until the option is turned back on.
Cheaters detected and banned by the moderation team or automatic ban system are now immediately kicked from their ongoing match, and the match is canceled. This change bypasses the need for players to vote on cancelation and avoids the resulting MMR rollbacks.
The Reputation System has been reworked inside and out, with some new actions added into its calculations like Ally Damage and Ally Gadget Destruction. Player Reports have also been removed from the system's calculations.
Transparency is a key part of the new Reputation Center design to help you show how actions translate into standings, and if you're close to an action's warning and penalty threshold.
Added to the Reputation Center this season is a new feature called Impacts, but don't worry: they aren't active yet. When the new season starts, all player actions and standings will be reset for a fresh start with the new Reputation System.
Text chat moderation is now assisted by an AI service that analyzes messages in real time to remove highly toxic messages and flag disruptive ones.
MORE INFOCrossplay between PC & consoles is finally here! Now you can Squad up with your friends wherever they are.
Console players get the option to join the PC player pool if they wish, but PC players will not have the option to join the console matchmaking pools. And any Squad that has a PC player must play in the PC matchmaking pool.
When playing Ranked with crossplay active, console players will maintain and progress PC rank that is separate from their console rank depending on the matchmaking pool they join for the match.
Console players get ready to assemble your best Squad: Siege's very own in-game tournament will be running for all platforms this season.
Invites are no longer needed, either. When a Siege Cup tournament starts up, anyone who is Clearance Level 50 and meets the eligibility criteria can form a Squad to compete for Competitive Coins to unlock new, exclusive skins. Just remember, you need to be a full Squad since teams aren't formed via matchmaking in this playlist.
Starting this season, we are implementing a new algorithm to the matchmaking system called the Phantom Player, which aims to tackle the problem of Squads that consist of members with very different skill levels creating unbalanced lobbies when they queue together.
With Phantom Player, the matchmaking system adds a mathematical "6th player" to every Squad that queues, taking into consideration the difference between the Squad members' skills. It also looks at the amount of players in the Squad, meaning that bigger Squads will face tougher opponents.
Phantom Player will be introduced to all playlists this season while we monitor its results closely to tweak the algorithm if necessary.
The second matchmaking update this season also focuses improving the method used to create more fair match-ups. Before a match begins, the system will check the difference between team skill ratings to make sure matchmaking happened fairly. If there is too great of a disparity between teams, they'll be reshuffled for less of a skill difference while taking Squads into account to keep their members on the same team.
This season brings a new hub where all of your account-related information is found in one place, providing insight into all of the things that make up your Siege career, such as rank and reputation, with account stats coming soon. Match replays are now accessed from here as well.
Show off your accomplishments with this expansion to the existing Operator Card.
Badges are now awarded for completing a new set of challenges that aim to bring recognition to your accomplishments, skills you've honed, and dedication to the game. You can level up a Badge by completing each of its challenge tiers, changing its appearance each time.
You can equip up to 3 badges on an Operator Card.
The most dangerous of storms approaches, but with the aid of the Impenetrable Bundle, even the strongest tempest is but a breeze. Obtain the Gung Ho weapon and attachment skin, the Pocket Shield charm, as well as the Irrepressible operator card background. The seasonal weapon skin will be released at season launch and is available for purchase throughout the season. Once unlocked, it remains in your inventory indefinitely and can be applied to all available weapons
Difficult times often require new approaches and solutions, and Operation Collision Point is one such moment. Take a bold step in a new direction and try out different Operators at reduced cost! Decreasing to 10,000 Renown, or 240 R6 Credits, is Operator Thorn. We have Operator Solis having her cost reduced to 15,000 Renown, or 360 R6C Credits. Lastly, Tubarão is available at 20,000 Renown, or 480 R6 Credits. Forge a new path and tackle new challenges!
To learn more about the mischievous bugs we've fixed for this season, follow the link below.