
Rainbow is Magic GIF Contest

Free your imagination in the Rainbow is Magic GIF Contest!

Here we’re all about that Tacticute life, so if you are too then show us what you got in the Rainbow Six Siege - Rainbow is Magic GIF Contest! Create and send us your best Rainbow is Magic and Tacticute themed GIFs - edited clips, animated art, MS Paint works of art, we’ll take them all!


The contest starts at 12:00 PM EDT April 1st, 2019 and will be open for submissions until 12PM EDT April 8th, 2019.

How to enter:

  • Create a GIF with the themes: Rainbow is Magic and/or Tacticute.
  • Make sure your name/tag is on it, or it’s watermarked in some way!
  • Submit your GIF to us on Social Media (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram) using the hashtags #R6GIFContest AND #RainbowIsMagic
  • GIFs should only include video, images and/or artwork from in-game captures or artwork created by you. The inclusion of images, artwork, or other assets owned/created by a third party (brand, company, or individual) are not eligible to win.


  • Top 10 Winners – Complete Rainbow is Magic Collection

For our top 10 best creative minds, you’ll be gifted with the complete Rainbow is Magic limited-event collection!

Contest Winners:

After submissions close, 10 winners will be selected based on Creativity, Originality, and Adherence to the Themes (Rainbow is magic, Tacticute).

We’ll be sharing the winning GIFs at the end of the event, and winners will be contacted personally through their Social Media account for further details on receiving the prize.

[2019-04-01] RainbowMagic Imagination

Have fun, use your IMAGINATION.

May you all be blessed by the Unicorn Lord Tachanka in your GIF creative endeavors – GLHF!

For more details, you can check out the official contest rules here.

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