

We’re excited to show off a lot of hard work in this week’s “Declassified” this week—a spotlight for the content creators of the Rainbow Six Siege Community!

Don't forget to post your content with the #R6Community hashtag so we can share it in the future!

YOUKOKO314 illustrates the best way to perfectly bait Bandit and Jäger!

This Ela “ragdoll” cosplay is simply amazing! Great Job, LordCrepe!
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You can hardly tell if this is real or a screenshot! Absolutely superb cosplay, jrm_cosplay!
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You might want to hold your breath while looking at this fantastic fan art by Spiral-Shark!
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mechanicsci shows us how to properly carry Thermite when playing Thatcher!
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Here is a really cool pixel art of Outback! Outstanding work, cdx_yt!
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Can someone get this pest out of here?! This is phenomenal, RAM3DDA!
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Give these amazing people a follow and share your feedback on reddit. Don't forget to show us your own creations under the #R6Community Hashtag on Twitter.

Check out the previous Declassified here.

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