16 August, 2016

6 Min Read

Introducing Your For Honor Gamescom Community Reporters: Samuel and Lisa

If you our For Honor coverage from E3 2016, chances are you met Zach, Brandon, and Robin – the winners from the Americas portion of the For Honor Community Reporter contest. With Gamescom just around the corner, we're happy to re-introduce the winners from the Europe portion of the contest, Samuel and Lisa, who will cover all things For Honor from the show floor of Europe's biggest gaming convention, starting this week, from Aug 17th to 21st . But before they take off for beautiful Cologne, we thought you might like to know Samuel and Lisa a little better, so we caught up with the new reporters and asked them a few personal questions.

Samuel Steele

Twitter: @samuelsteele
Youtube: https://t.co/5E5xJdmFqN

Samuel is a 26-year-old from Ireland who works in the film and media industry. He became more passionate about writing and reporting on video games when he started writing reviews for an independent video game site. And if you have any doubts about that passion, he once stood up for 13 hours straight on a London billboard in a Microsoft initiative.

Samuel Steele

Lisa Habraken

Twitter: @SaiyanGameGirl
Youtube: https://t.co/7CeHxeZ1fA
Twitch: https://t.co/9x1vEQWmsp

Lisa is a 22-year-old from the Netherlands who's been passionate about games since an early age. From big events and conventions to cosplays of her favorite video game characters, Lisa likes everything about gaming and the culture surrounding it. She hosts an almost daily Twitch stream where you can see how comfortable she is on camera talking about her favorite games.

Lisa Habraken

Here are a few questions we asked Samuel and Lisa before heading to the show:

Are you a Knight, Viking or Samurai, and why?

Samuel: Damn, that's a tough one! I love the honor of the Samurai and the sheer bad-assery of the Vikings but I would have to say I'm a Knight. While they are chivalrous and honorable, they have no problem cleaving their opponents in two with their long-swords. In my opinion, the Knight perfectly combines honor, order and brutality.
Lisa: Definitely a Samurai! As a person who is in love with watching anime and all Japanese culture, I have to pick the Samurai! One of my favorite anime is Samurai Champloo, which is all about these legendary warriors!

When did you start making videos or streams or blogs? What do you like the most about it?

Samuel: I started making videos a couple of years back as a way of sharing some of the gaming experiences myself and my friends were having. Little did I know that other people would begin enjoying watching those experiences too! I've been uploading at least two videos per week regularly since then that cover everything from survival game playthroughs to vlogs where I just share my opinions and talk about normal life. Recently I've begun streaming and I absolutely love it. The ability to talk to, play with and share experiences with live viewers is so amazing. For me it's all about building a community. I love getting to know my viewers, and getting the opportunity to play games with them. It just makes everything I do worthwhile, so if you're looking for a pretty Irish gamer to watch, feel free to check me out!
Lisa: I started putting some YouTube videos online a couple years ago, but it was like one video in two months. Ten months ago, I started streaming on Twitch with a more regular cadence! I'm getting close to 1,000 followers and I just love having people in my stream who are there for me, talking, making me laugh – and just that they want to be in my streams. Makes me feel kinda special.

What are you looking forward the most for Gamescom?

Samuel: I'm really looking forward to getting my hands on For Honor (hopefully I don't suck!), but also to hopefully get the chance to get my hands on and check out the other upcoming Ubisoft titles. I'd love to be able to try out Ghost Recon Wildlands. It's a game I think has the potential to be a really great co-op experience. Aside from that, I'm just looking forward to being surrounded by some awesome video games and be given the opportunity to try them out.
Lisa: I am definitely excited but also hella nervous! I never been outside my own country on my own so it's gonna be something new! Also, I can’t wait to play the game, meet the For Honor team, see the cosplayers and meet all of the other video game fans!

Any personal words for the For Honor community before heading to the show?

Samuel: The main thing I want to say to the For Honor community is that I'm there for you. I've managed to chat with a lot of you on Twitter and connect with a few of you on the forums, but know that I'm there at Gamescom to represent you and to ask the questions you want to have asked. So if there's something you want to know about the game, please don't be afraid to reach out to me on Twitter (@samuelsteele). I'll also attempt to post daily coverage from Gamescom while I'm there (Wi-Fi permitting) so feel free to subscribe to me on YouTube and like my page on Facebook for frequent updates.
Lisa: You guys are the best community in the world, and I hope you guys will like me as your reporter!


Make sure to follow Samuel and Lisa on Twitter, and also the For Honor account as we’ll be posting a lot of stuff from the event!

  • Emile “SpaceElephant” Gauthier, Community Developer