16 July, 2020

2 Min Read

Warrior's Den Update - July 16

Hello Warriors,

We hope you’re staying cool this July, as every day more closely resembles the swamp climate of Point C on Temple Garden.

Fortunately, we have a refreshing breeze of sales blowing in this week:

Summer Sale


Over 3,000 items at 25% off! Get new threads, new Effects, and new Emotes for the hero you’ve been repping up!

Champion Status Sale


With Champion Status, you can claim to your friends that you are an actual For Honor champion…and technically be correct! If they play For Honor with you, they will directly experience the bonuses provided by your championship. You have until July 23rd to take advantage of this sale!

Winged Anomaly Ornament


These Winged Anomaly Ornaments may be just what you need to spice up your drop attacks. While they do not actually change your hero’s ability to dunk on enemies from the crow’s nests at Point B on Harbor, having wings will certainly help you gain the upper hand psychologically.

Thank you for joining us, and we’ll see you again at the next Warrior’s Den Recap!

If you haven’t already, join the For Honor Community on Twitter, Twitch, and Reddit.

Stay safe and we'll see you on the battlefield!