20 June, 2018

3 Min Read

For Honor at E3

For Honor at E3

Hello Warriors!

This week at E3, For Honor announced that a new faction is entering For Honor's world, and they are bringing the biggest-ever For Honor update with them. The For Honor: Marching Fire update launches on October 16th and introduces a new faction from China, the Wu Lin, which adds four new Heroes to the current roster of 18. For Honor: Marching Fire, will also have a new 4v4 multiplayer mode, Breach, which lets players take part in a full-on Castle Siege!

E3 was amazing, and now that it's over, we wanted to take some time to revisit the show highlights and share some behind the scenes activities. First, check out Roman Campos Oriola, our Creative Director, revealing the exciting news to the public during the Ubisoft Press Briefing

Player Reactions

The exact moment we announced For Honor: Marching Fire at the Ubisoft conference, Twitch chat, Reddit, Twitter and Facebook exploded with reactions. Players were not expecting this announcement at all, and are beyond excited about trying all of the new content.

It was fantastic to watch people's reactions to the new Faction and the new mode all over Social Media. If you want to read/watch some of the reactions, be sure to check out our Subreddit.


Breach Mode Showmatches

From June 12th to June 14th at the Ubisoft Booth, Ubisoft Star Players got to try out our new mode, Breach, first hand and play some Show Matches for the public. The one and only Mr. Eric Pope was joined by some of the Star Players to commentate on the gameplay and explain to our visitors how the new game mode, coming October 16th 2018, works.

The Masterclass

Another great moment of E3 was the Masterclass which was held on Wednesday at the Ubisoft Lounge. It provided a 45-minute deep dive into the For Honor: Marching Fire update. Brand Director Luc Duchaine, Fight Team Lead Designer Stefan Jewinski and Community Developer Eric Pope gave an exclusive first look at For Honor's New Heroes: the Tiandi and the Shaolin. Stefan gave our attendance a design and playstyle overview of each Hero. He also showed the Tiandi and Shaolin's amazing move sets!

You can catch anything that was shown during our Master Class in our Warrior's Den Special E3 Edition


On an end note, it's always rewarding to see games industry media and professionals appreciate our work. It was our third E3 and the whole For Honor Dev Team had a blast showing what they've been working on for the past months.

See you on the battlefield, Warriors ;)
