22 July, 2015

2 Min Read

A letter from Jason Vandenberghe to the community

Hey there, warriors.

First, I’d like to express how f*ing awesome it is to see so much interest around here in what we’ve been doing. Honestly, you never know how first contact with actual players is going to go, and your enthusiastic response has made this an incredible first few weeks for our team. So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for your passionate response. It’s inspiring, and I’m not just saying that to be polite. It’s actually inspired us. One month after the announcement, the floor is still buzzing about your responses. From all of us working to make this game a reality, thank you for that.

We always believed that the promise of picking up a melee weapon and fighting for what you believe in was something that a lot of people would respond to. Now, after the announcement, we know that there’s a lot more of you out there than we thought.

Which is awesome.

Second, I gotta tell you that its super-cool to hear you guys having all the same conversations with each other that we have on the floor every day. :) “Wouldn’t this weapon be cool?” “Well, the problem with bows is…” “See, the key differences between the [unannounced weapon] and the [other unannounced weapon] are…” “I don’t know. What genre do you think it is?!?”

The biggest worry when announcing something new is that we will fail to communicate what the game is about. From the discussions we are seeing here (and all over the web), it seems like you guys all get it. :)

Which is also awesome.

There’s plenty of stuff we will show you in the coming months and I’m so eager to read all the feedback you’ll keep on giving us. Thanks again for all your passion, warriors. I can’t wait to get my ass handed to you all on the field of battle.

  • Jason Vandenberghe, Creative Director