The Violet King: Lawbringer Hero Skin

Send Scorn back to the grave as The Violet King, a new Hero Skin for the Lawbringer inspired by Destiny. The Violet King has been blessed with highly advanced spiked armor by a mysterious machine known as Ghost. So armed, The Violet King has been chosen to fight the physics-bending force of Dark Ether – and the armies of undead Scorn within it.

Devoted to serving the power of Light, The Violet King stands between Heathmoor and total annilihation from an alien world. Transmat into battle and strike back against Dark Ether.

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Battle Pass

In the arena, enemies of the Khatuns are forced to battle one another to survive. But in the circular walls of this new battleground, warriors have also found that if they fight hard enough, if enough champion blood is spilled by their blade, then something else finds them: the crowd’s admiration. As fame comes to them, prisoners ascend. They become something more. So long as they win.
Battle it out in the Y9S1 Battle Pass. You will have access to 100 tiers of rewards for all 36 heroes.

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New Character Khatun

Khatuns are brutal, nimble assassins wielding dual sabers. They lead an invading Mongolian horde into Heathmoor, driven by Guljin’s vision of a peaceful Heathmoor freed from the petty wars that have plagued its inhabitants for so long – a peaceful Heathmoor united under Guljin’s empire at any cost.