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9 January 2019

17 Min Read

Assassin's Creed® Odyssey– 1.1.2 Patch Notes

We will be deploying Patch 1.1.2 on Xbox One, PlayStation®4, and PC tomorrow: January 10.

Patch Sizes:

Xbox One: 4.0GB

PlayStation®4: 3.9GB

PC: 3.3GB

Check out the most notable changes with 1.1.2 below.

Warning: Please note that these release notes contain major story spoilers.


  • Added in-game support for Episode 2 Shadow Heritage and upcoming Lost Tales of Greece
  • Added Level Scaling Option
  • Added two Mercenary Tiers and benefits
  • Added Hephaistos's Workshop
  • Added new Mastery Levels
  • Addressed an issue that prevented Home Sweet Home from completing
  • Myrrine will continue to travel to her destination in A Mother's Prayer and The Paros Blockade
  • Players can now interact with Roxana to accept Sparring with Roxana
  • Players missing their Odyssey arc in the Quest Log after talking to Herodotos during the Serpent's Lair will now be able to continue their journey
  • Addressed various issues with Engravings not increasing stats as intended
  • Addressed an issue where the camera couldn't be moved in Photo Mode


Episode 2 Shadow Heritage – Legacy of the First Blade

  • Added in-game support for Shadow Heritage
  • Will be available to download on January 15

Lost Tales of Greece

  • Added support for A Poet's Legacy
  • Added support for A Brother's Seduction


NEW! – Level Scaling Option

Players can now customize Enemy Scaling levels (Quests, NPCs):

  • Default – Content will be set appropriate to selected difficulty level
  • Heavy – Content remains at the player's level
  • Medium – Content can drop up to two levels below the player's level
  • Light – Content can drop up to four levels below the player's level

Patch 1

Warning: Please note that adjusting the Enemy Scaling has an impact on the Loot level, but not the Loot quality.

NEW! – Hephaistos's Workshop

Added Hephaistos's Workshop to the game

Patch 2

Learn – Displays all existing Engravings and allows players to buy any perk for a price

Upgrade – You can upgrade your gear to Engravings Tier 6 & 7

  • Challenges for Engravings up to Tier 5 need to be completed in order to upgrade further

Engrave – You can engrave gear at Hephaistos's Workshop

  • Located in the Myson Cave in the Malis region
  • You can fast travel to The Ruins of Artemis location to access the Workshop more easily

NEW! – Additional Mercenary Tiers and Benefits

  • Added two Mercenary Tiers (S1 and S2) to the ladder

    • Unlocks once players reach Tier 1
    • Added tutorial for new ranks
  • Added two Mercenary benefits

  • S1: War Contracts and Bounties provide 35% more rewards

  • S2: Hephaistos reduces the price of his teaching by 20%
    Patch 3

NEW! – Additional Mastery Levels

  • Poison Effect
  • Damage after Parry
  • Damage after Dodge
  • Adrenaline on Parry
  • Damage and Health while in Conquest Battles


  • Added achievements/trophies for upcoming Lost Tales of Greece and Shadow Heritage
  • Lost Tales of Greece Quest giver icons are now displayed on top of fog on the map
  • Added zoom button indications to the world map
  • Procedural Quest NPCs can now be recruited
  • Gameplay icons will now take priority over photos on the map


  • Improved Legendary set bonuses of the Hades and Nemean gear

  • The required XP to gain a Master Level has been lowered and all progress through the Master Level has been reset to Master Level 1

    • 30 Ability points will be granted for all players that reached level 70 before this Title Update (more info HERE)
  • Headshots no longer guarantee critical hit and base headshot damage has been increased

  • All damage increases from perks are now additive with each other (some were previously multiplicative) to reduce high-damage spikes in specific gear situations

Bug Fixes

Hunted DLC

  • Stealth music will no longer play when all soldiers have been defeated in a red zone
  • Neema/Natakas will keep to her/his word, walking off after saying "See you soon" in Into the Storm
  • Addressed an issue in Mysterious Malady where the Magistrate would follow the player to anywhere on the map to fight him after performing a save/load action
  • Addressed an issue that could lead Darius to appear in the hideout even if he shouldn't
  • Addressed an issue in More Questions Than Answers that had Neema/Natakas running to the hunting grounds during the cutscene
  • Addressed various issues in Protector of Persia that caused completion issues or prevented other quests from spawning

Main Game


  • Addressed an issue causing the Arena to become unresponsive when accepting a Mercenary challenge while using Ikaros
  • Damage from Assassin ability perks will now work as intended: Ability damage from perks is now correctly added to the ability damage number seen in the Abilities menu
  • NPCs with shields will be slower to rise when the Shield Break level 3 is used to initiate combat
  • Fixed an issue where specific Enemies did not reduce damage taken from headshots


  • Addressed various instances that caused players to become stuck or fall through the map
  • Addressed an issue that prevented players from re-entering the forge
  • Addressed an issue that prevented players from interacting with the temple door after fast travelling to Medusa's Temple
  • Addressed an issue that caused Mercenaries level to be above the level cap (71)
  • Addressed an issue that prevented the Olouros Fortress location from being completed
  • Addressed an issue that prevented the Lavrio Silver Mine location from being completed


  • Addressed an issue that prevented Home Sweet Home from completing
  • Myrrine will continue to travel to her destination in A Mother's Prayer and The Paros Blockade
  • Players missing their Odyssey arc in the Quest Log after talking to Herodotos during the Serpent's Lair will now be able to continue their journey
  • Players will now be able to complete We Will Rise
  • Addressed an issue that prevented Herodotos from showing up in Perikles's Symposium
  • Players can now interact with Roxana to accept Sparring with Roxana
  • Addressed an issue in Caged and Enraged that caused the quest to fail under certain conditions
  • Upon looting Pan's Flute inside the Cave of Pan, the Throw the Dice objective will now update
  • Addressed an issue in The Test of Faith where a save/load action could lead to issues with the quest progression
  • Players' health will no longer be capped at 25% when the Falx of Olympos is equipped before the Pankration fights in The Contender
  • Addressed an issue in Monger Down that caused the Monger to move towards players while in a defeated state
  • The Spear will no longer go missing after interacting with doors and meditating in Memories Awoken
  • Addressed an issue in Test of Faith that caused NPCs not to scale at the recommended quest level
  • If players acquire the spear by knocking out the Mercenary in Heavy Is the Spear, the objective will now update
  • [SPOILER] Addressed an issue where players were stuck in the room after defeating Lagos in Judge, Jury, Executioner
  • Treasure will now be sellable if We're Treasure Hunters is completed by knocking out the NPC
  • Obelia's pirate ship will no longer be destroyed on the high seas by other ships in We're Treasure Hunters
  • Although roosters rule the roost, they will now return to their initial positions if players flee like chickens from combat at the farm in Chicken or Egg
  • The Doctor Will See You Now will now complete after players acquire the forceps
  • Addressed an issue that caused Ashes to Ashes to fail under certain circumstances
  • Addressed an issue where the quest Idiot Hunt would not be received
  • Addressed an issue that prevented players from talking to the girl in Romancing the Stone Garden
  • Addressed an issue that prevented players from looting the chest to complete Blood and Water
  • Addressed an issue that prevented quests from appearing after finishing Doing Time
  • Addressed an issue that caused the Legendary Boar to refuse to give his pelt to players in Daughters of Artemis
  • If players read the letter while in conflict during Civil Unrest, the objective will now update
  • Mercenaries will no longer appear smarter than they really are, pinpointing the location and running after players who were previously in combat during To Kill or Not To Kill
  • Addressed an issue with the Burned Men and Broken Skulls contract that prevented its appearance in the Quest Log
  • [SPOILER] If Deianeira is killed before The Fall of Damara is accepted, it will now complete
  • [SPOILER] Addressed an issue creating an untrackable objective when killing Hycranos without his quest
  • [SPOILER] Addressed an issue that allowed players to kill Lagos before the dialogue and spare option is present in Judge, Jury, Executioner
  • [SPOILER] Phoibe will no longer scream when hit with arrows after she's dead in And the Streets Run Red – Must show some respect for the dead!

Character and AI

  • Addressed multiple instances of incorrect NPC and player spawning
  • Alektryon will no longer be a chicken hiding in the Arena – henceforth, he will take his true name and position to challenge you – Alektryon the Rooster awaits!
  • While you may still be wary of hugs, tamed bears have had a change of heart and will now welcome your loving pets
  • Addressed an issue where Enemy Guards would not be alerted by the player's arrow if shot while the NPC is currently attempting to wake an unconscious guard – That's why people get shot in the knee!
  • Mercenaries throughout the map who were sent to the Underworld will remain with Hades – No coming back anymore!
  • Brontes will now feel the full force of light and heavy weapon attacks
  • Hecate decided three torches was a tad excessive – two is just right – and she'll no longer take torches thrown into puddles
  • Addressed an issue upon reloading that caused tamed animals to become untamed after dying with players in combat
  • Steropes's eye will now detect players standing in all areas of the fight zone
  • Ikaros will no longer be able to harass knocked-out targets while players are carrying them into caves or otherwise restricted areas
  • Phobos will no longer try to run away after being called if you run towards her

Photo Mode

  • Addressed an issue where the camera couldn't be moved
  • Addressed several texture issues when activating Photo Mode
  • Addressed an issue in Photo Mode where NPCs could appear distorted
  • Camera-shy dolphins will no longer close their mouths when players zoom using Photo Mode
  • [PC] Addressed an issue with W&S buttons input in Photo Mode that could make it difficult to scroll through the presets

Adrestia and Naval

  • Crew Skin changes will now remain saved if the player creates and loads a save in the menu
  • Legendary Lieutenants will no longer be given the option to be dismissed
  • Resources will remain intact when killing Athenians during Naval boarding
  • Addressed an issue with the Black Wind Ship skin that could sometimes appear with a wrong texture
  • The EXP Boost icon will now be seen in the Ship Storage menu

Performance and Stability

  • Corrected a tablet's worth of short-term freezing and stuttering instances
  • Addressed several instances of long loading times
  • Improved Performance and Stability during battles, in populated areas or on the chicken farm

Graphics, Animations, and Audio

  • Addressed several Mercenary attack animation issues
  • Addressed various weapon audio balancing issues
  • Addressed several visual effect issues with weapons and outfits
  • Addressed several camera issues while using special abilities
  • Addressed several weather, water texture, and display issues
  • Addressed a variety of visual customization and weapon display inconsistencies
  • Addressed numerous instances of cinematic anomalies
  • Addressed various instances of corrupted textures on NPCs
  • Addressed several incorrect animations
  • Addressed various issues that prevented audio from playing in fights, red zones, etc.
  • Players will now hear the audio cues in the Visual Customization menu
  • Addressed a variety of world object graphics anomalies
  • The Felucca will no longer try to dive under big waves, causing graphical corruptions – Gotta know your limits!
  • The Poison effect will now be displayed on arrowheads
  • When upgraded, Rapid Fire now has improved special effects
  • [PC] Addressed an issue with texture quality on Armor, Weapons, and Spear when changing the environment texture detail
  • [SPOILER] Addressed a texture display issue with the servers in Layla's loft

User Interface, Menu, and Subtitles

  • Addressed various UI/HUD irregularities and display anomalies
  • Addressed various issues with Engravings not increasing stats as intended
  • Addressed several instances of incorrect Engraving formula applications
  • Addressed various display issues in the Detailed Stats page
  • Addressed several issues that caused Mastery effects to be unapplied
  • Addressed scrolls of subtitle sync and display issues
  • Corrected multiple instances of incorrect armor, weapon, and item text
  • Addressed an issue where players couldn't apply visuals from items acquired prior to Patch 1.0.5
  • Addressed an issue where the last Mastery Level seemingly had no effect
  • Players will no longer be shown a misleading warning message when trying to summon Phobos in restricted areas
  • Addressed an issue where players could regain adrenaline by using a hunter ability
  • The Visual Customization system menu can no longer be opened for categories other than gear and weapons
  • Addressed an issue that led the Tame and Crouch actions not to be customizable with all control schemes
  • Addressed an issue showing mapped skills as available when players have no adrenaline
  • Addressed an issue where fast travel was grayed out and players were unable to fast travel outside of a conflict zone
  • [PC] Addressed an issue where the screen did not adjust after switching from Fullscreen to Windowed and back, using Alt+Enter+Esc
  • [PC] Addressed several display issues with 21:9 or 16:10 aspect ratios
  • [PC] M&K players will now find scrolling through menus a smoother experience, much like taming a wolf over a bear
  • [PC] Addressed an issue where ability assign/unassign using the mouse middle-click wouldn't work
  • [PC] The VRAM meter will now display the correct values with different resolutions when using Borderless Mode

Ubisoft Club, Achievements, and Trophies

  • The Ubisoft Club challenge Window Shopping will now unlock after a player meets the requirements
  • The achievement Without A Trace will now unlock when a player completes the requirements
  • Addressed an issue with the Wrath of the Amazons achievement/trophy that could sometimes not unlock when the conditions are met
  • Abilities Acquired in the Stats page will no longer appear at 1% in the endgame

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