London is falling. Are you prepared? The Last Blight is upon us. It was foretold. For the second time in history, a great plague has shrouded London in a fog of death. Big Ben tolls as thousands of unprepared die, or worse, are infected by a sickness more gruesome than death.
Game Overview
Pure Survival Horror
Resources are scarce, your enemies are numerous, and you never know when you’ll find more weapons, ammunition, first aid, or food. How you allocate your resources determines if you live or die.
With Permadeath, Everything Is At Stake
Survival is not guaranteed. Once you die, your character becomes infected and joins the horde of undead shambling through London. You’ll come back as an entirely new character and try to survive, again, with your first mission being to retrieve your previous character’s supplies.
Bug-out Bag
Your bug-out bag holds all your possessions, tools, inventory, first aid kits, maps, and more. Don’t get distracted, as zombies can attack you at any moment. If you die, your bag stays with your old character, who is now a zombie. Will you risk it all to get your bag back, or start scavenging anew?
London Calling
Survive in a city steeped in grisly history, royal secrets, and bloody tales.
Navigate through the medieval Tower of London, stately Buckingham Palace, and modern streets swarming with mobs of the undead.
The Undead Return
Combining the horror of ZombiU with refined gameplay and upgraded graphics, ZOMBI brings the survivalist first-person shooter to next-gen consoles and PC. Adapted to a single screen experience, the active pause system still makes you vulnerable while scanning your environment, completing mini-games or searching your inventory & equipment.
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