5. December 2024

2 Minuten Lesezeit

Y8S4 Testing Grounds

Greetings warriors! From December 5th to December 12th, the Testing Grounds will once again open! As with our previous Testing Grounds, we're updating feats and this time it's Peacekeeper's turn. Our goal with these changes is to add more to the personality and the fantasy of this character.

The new changes add a twist to Peacekeeper's kit, increase bleed synergy and improves their team fight ability. We want Peacekeeper to survive longer in team fights as well as contribute more damage when one breaks out.

Your participation in the Testing Grounds and feedback will help us understand whether these changes are making the difference we're looking for.

*Note: Bounty Hunter, Fiat Lux, and Fear Itself still exist as feats on other characters. These replacements are specific to Peacekeeper.

Peacekeeper's Feat Changes

  • Bounty Hunter has been replaced by *Crossbow Wound *(which was previously Tier 3)
    • Crossbow Wound: Projectile that deals 15 damage and 10 bleed damage over 10 seconds. Cooldown: 30 seconds.
  • Fiat Lux has been replaced by Bleed Armor
    • Bleed Armor: Hitting a bleeding target gives a 20% defense buff for 10 seconds.
  • Crossbow has been replaced by Deflect Expert
    • Deflect Expert: Dodges can now deflect in any stance.
  • Fear Itself has been replaced by Induced Fear
    • Induced Fear: Enemies nearby have 30% reduced defense.

Peacekeeper's New Feat Lineup

 DefaultAlt 1Alt 2
Tier 1Crossbow WoundStealthConqueror
Tier 2Bleed ArmorThick SkinExecutioner's Respite
Tier 3Deflect ExpertPugno MortisSharpen Blade
Tier 4Induced FearCatapultLast Laugh

We invite you all to participate in the Testing Grounds and try out these new feats for yourselves!

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