Rainbow Six Esports Replays

Rainbow Six Esports Replays

15. Juli 2022

Since the release of the Match Replay feature our next goal has been to make replays of professional R6 matches available to everyone in the community. We are excited to now be able to do so. In this blogpost, we will centralize links where you can download the replays of R6 esports matches. All replays of the 2023 Six Invitational, Blast R6 Regional Leagues and finally the Blast R6 Majors are available.

We have successfully reduced the file size of match replays for any competition. All the replays of 1 day or playday will be bundled together. A day bundle of Six Invitational replays for example, could weigh anywhere up to 3 GB for the intense Group Stage days. Throughout Regional League’s regular season, you can expect smaller bundles weighing up to 500MB. Once you’ve downloaded a bundle of replays, unzip it and copy the folder with the .rec files in it directly in your MatchReplay folder on windows. By default, the path to this folder should look like this: D:\Ubisoft Game Launcher\games\Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege\MatchReplay

You should not edit the name of the replay files, nor the name of the folder they are in, for the game to read them. The name of a replay folder should look like this: Match-2021-05-11_17-30-30-10 and the name of replay files like this: Match-2021-05-11_17-30-30-10-R01.rec.

Only 12 replays can be displayed in the game’s Watch tab. If your MatchReplay folder contains more than 12 replays, the oldest replay(s) will automatically be erased once you start watching a replay, or if you play a game and trigger the recording of a new one (keep in mind that all playlists’ replays are recorded by default).

Keep in mind that the Match Replay feature is still in beta, you might experience some crashes when reading them. We will keep working on ways to make replays more stable and easier to access for everyone in the future.

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Day 1 - Stream B: Download Now

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Day 2 - Stream B: Download Now

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Day 7: Download Now

Day 8: Download Now

Day 9: Download Now

Day 10: Download Now

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