
Creative Spotlight #3 : Pericote

The Rainbow Six Community has a lot of outstandingly creative people that continue to amaze us with beautiful, funny and creative contributions. In this new series, we want to highlight some of them.

We continue our series with another amazing artist, Pericote from Chile!

Hello Pericote! Thank you for taking the time and answering a few questions for us!

Please introduce yourself and tell us - who are you outside of Rainbow Six Siege?

Pericote: I’m Javiera, but everyone calls me Peri or Pericote. I’m a Digital Animator working as a freelancer. I work from home and don’t do much else other than draw, watch TV series, and play video games. I enjoy spending most of my free time on the computer.

What got you into art and when did you start?:

Pericote: I remember that I started when I was approximately 7-9 years old. My older sister inspired me, she is very good at drawing and I really wanted to be like her. On top of that, we used to watch tons of cartoons on TV and get together to draw our favorite characters and create our own stories about them. Our mom used to help us a lot; she used to teach us new techniques and gave us plenty of advice, always pushing us to never surrender and dedicate our lives towards what we love!

What is your favorite thing about art?:

Pericote: My favorite part about drawing is when I finish a piece and see the reaction of others online. I love to make people laugh and I enjoy doing humorous pieces. When I see people smiling, laughing and having a good time while looking at my drawings, it makes me very happy. That is why most of the time when I do cartoons, I laugh at my own drawings. Humoristic animation is my passion.

What’s the hardest thing about creating art?:

Pericote: The hardest part is finding inspiration and motivation. Sometimes, it is hard to have a good or funny idea, so it is frustrating to be in front of an empty canvas and not know what to do or draw. Sometimes I start a piece and find that I don’t like the way it looks if it’s not “perfect” to me and will end up putting it to the side.

What medium do you like to use most when drawing? Tell us about your process.:

Pericote: I use a digital tablet for drawing and a program called Paint Tool SAI. I used to draw traditionally as well, but I’d rather use my tablet now due to time limitations and comfort. I usually start with a sketch—a really fast one—and then I improve it little by little while adding details so the character is more visible. Once I’m done with the sketch, I clean the lines, add colour, shades, some effects and voila!

When did you first learn about Rainbow Six Siege?:

Pericote: I remember that it was during Operation White Noise, it was around November/December so it was a bit like a Christmas gift for me. A friend of mine was so excited about the game and she wanted me to play with her. I’ve always liked shooters so I bought and installed it immediately. I only had to play a few rounds to be completely hooked. It had been a while since I was so obsessed with a game. Obviously, I started playing Terrorist Hunt to learn, but one day I dared to jump into casual, and from that moment on, I haven’t stopped playing it.

Who is your favorite Operator?:

Pericote: That’s one complicated question! I love them all! They all have an interesting design and backstory, but my absolute favorite to play and draw is Buck. I also like Glaz and Frost a lot.

What do you like about drawing Rainbow Six Siege specifically? How did you develop your art style?:

Pericote: I like to draw funny experiences that have happened to me in the game. My art style is a mix of years of experience from cartoons and tv shows that I’ve watched, also mixed with some of my favorite games. For every style that I like, I take a little bit of it and add it to my drawings.

Which artwork are you most proud of?:

Pericote: Most of the times, I look at my creations a few hours after finishing them and I don’t like them as much, but I have some drawings that I like because of the experience that I gained and the good moments that went into creating them.

Tell us about your best Rainbow Six experience.:

Pericote: My best experience was when I was given the chance to draw Kaid before the official announcement. I felt really special and was very hyped to see the new operators. It was great to do something for Rainbow Six and have the chance to make something amazing. I have a special place in my heart for him and well, I had a ton of fun drawing that animation.

What would you like for the future of the game?:

Pericote: I am expecting more amazing background stories, characters, more interactions, big events, and to be a part of it all. I just want to continue enjoying the game and continue doing my art, because I love it a lot!

Thank you so much for answering our questions, Pericote! Please check their art on Twitter or their Instagram and give them a Follow!

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