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Here at the NCSA CRC, we host a month of Wellness in October for all of our employees. The idea is to coincide the events with our benefits open enrollment window. We added a variety of activities to focus on three main areas of Wellness – mental, social, and physical wellness. For Mental Health, we kicked off the month introducing an expansion to our mental health benefits with the Ginger App, where we’ve allotted 10 free, telehealth coaching or therapy sessions per employee per year. We hosted a few sessions on Stress & Anxiety with NAMI, the National Association of Mental Illness. We also offered a virtual meditation session, to discuss the benefits of breath work and mindfulness. For Physical Health, we put together a socially-distanced, free flu shot clinic in our office. We filmed 6 different yoga sessions with an instructor – who focused on the best poses for those seated long hours in an office chair. We sent out some of our favorite smoothie recipes to promote healthy food choices. And we even hosted a virtual Ergonomic Assessment, lead by an expert, to ensure our employees are using the correct alignment in their home offices, to prevent injury over time. For Social Health, we combined a few of our initiatives to elevate our employee connections. We hosted two virtual Cooking Classes with a local chef, to cook healthy recipes together and share tips with one another. We sent out a video discussing the strategies for a great work-life balance. We hosted a 3-day Step Challenge, to encourage a little physical activity and friendly competition. And finally, we started up ‘Quaran-TEAMS’, where our employees were paired into small groups, across different departments, to complete fun icebreakers and encourage communication & collaboration. Our goal with our Annual Wellness Month is to highlight the skills and tools our employees can use to better themselves throughout the year, remind them of the resources they already have access to, and to support them in a fully well-rounded and holistic way.